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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    He was cruel and wicked, and in this moment not at all the man she met so long ago. The one that slid in place to protect her the moment danger appeared. She stood so tall and strong under his black attention, so unfazed. He liked that about her, that defiance. Liked, too, the way those bright, golden eyes watched his every move as he made his dark path around her. So bold, so fearless. A strength and a beauty that had his bottomless black eyes glinting with interest.

    "Do you really think you scare me?! You don't know the life I've lived.  My scars lay bare for the world to see just as yours do.  But I chose a different path.  I chose happiness and kindness over pain and torture.  So do not think for a moment you scare me."

    He tsked sweetly, brushed his nose lightly with hers. Not trying to scare you, Beauty. He stared into those bright eyes as he gently kissed the top of her nose, slowly trailed another to the side of her mouth, her soft cheek. Making promises, he whispered. She thought she had made a choice, something like good versus evil, happiness rather than pain. But they were one and the same, walking the same path like everyone else. There was no choice, only specific decisions. Pleasure, pain. Kindness, torture. He could show her. He would teach her. The delicious blend of both.

    Aurora, he murmured against her throat, tasting that sweet scent of hers with a tender kiss. That was her name, wasn’t it? Yes, she’d said so. Aurora, as bright and beautiful as she. His eyes caught on the movement as a breeze swept through her feathers and disturbed her cloak of secrets, revealed wicked scars hiding beneath. He smiled, rubbing his face against her neck. So, she was the broken one between them then, hm? She knew pain already, but someone failed to show her the pleasure. What else does she hide under that pretty gown of hers.

    ”Yes, I’d still be your friend,” she said, softening, her eyes warming to a smooth honey.

    Good, he responded absently, moving to her shoulder. He bent and gently shifted her feathers on her back, looking over the pale scars hiding there. Secrets. He had those too. So brutal, so merciless, so lethal. But secrets. A compassion just as strong to match the darkness in him. A capacity to love like no other. He brushed his mouth along one of her scars, wondering silently what had marked her as theirs, claimed her skin with the permanent brand of violence. As he had claimed his sweet Luster.

    He returned to her again without comment, dissolving the hard glint in his obsidian sharp eyes, letting them match the warmth in hers. Now, maybe he was that same man she’d met. The protective one, putting her life before his as he shielded her. Show me, he said quietly, pressing his forehead lightly to hers, tilting his face to kiss the top of her nose again before pulling away to stare in her eyes.

    Show me the dark in you. And I’ll show you the good in me.

    Its alright, you'll be fine baby, I'm in control
    Take the pain, Take the pleasure. I'm the master of both


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