The red soil earth stretches out before her, covered in a mix of dried grass and sweat. The sun is high in the sky at the hour she stands waiting for her fellow resident to join her on the practice grounds. Lucrezia cannot recall a time she had fought against another. It had been surely when she was but a child when her father taught her many skills she would need to know, mastering and shaping her into a pawn. However, she had not kept in the grasp of her manipulative father.
Lucrezia had excelled and made a life of her own. It was a life where she had followed her heart and mind, and became something she never thought she would be. She was a leader now, holding the responsibility on her shoulders and the crown of power upon her head. And now she was preparing for what may come in the future of Beqanna.
It is not until the black mare steps into the line of her vision that she snaps back into the world around her. She is quick to give her fellow resident a warm welcome, but she knows she is simply not here to play diplomat. Lucrezia was here to fight, and fight she would do. The mare begins to analyze the other horse’s strengths and weaknesses she might have. She first noticed that difference in their size and how the black mare towered over her. Next, she noticed Thanata’s more muscular figure. This would indeed be challenging, nevertheless, Lucrezia was up for the challenge.
While Lucrezia may be small and fragile looking, she had acquired the skill and family genetics of past fighters in her blood. She had not gone without obtaining the endurance and smaller muscular form of her heritage. Overall, Lucrezia’s speed would surely be an advantage to her in this battle. Although she knows she cannot entirely rely on her agility and smaller form from any scars and. Thanata’s own breed and genetics surely had their own advantages and disadvantages when it came to defending and fighting another horse. Then again, Lucrezia was equipped with a pair of wings that surely might help her during the fight. Thanata so far did not show any signs of traits, but a physical appearance was not always what it seemed.
Lucrezia quickly picks up into a fast trot, straight towards the mare. As the distance becomes shorter between them, she quickly turns off to the left so that she is now trotting at a slight angle (about thirty degrees) away from the other mare until her back hooves are almost in line with Thanata’s left side. Quickly, Lucrezia throws her weight into her front hooves and bucks at the black mare.
The target is rather a large area that she wishes to hit (anywhere on the other mare’s left side). If Thanata hasn’t moved at all, she is likely to hit the abdominal muscles that connect to the pelvic, ribs, and rear muscles. This would make any movement somewhat uncomfortable. Lucrezia’s hooves could also hit near the intercostal muscles that aid in breathing. However, it was more likely to bruise than cause major issues.
Once her attack is finished, she lands on the earth and quickly pushes forward at a fast trot. She keeps a small distance between them for just a moment. The mare isn’t sure how much her first attack has caused damage or maybe nothing at all. There surely isn’t enough time, so the mare quickly pulls a tight loop around and heads back towards Thanata. As the short distance between the two mares closes in, Lucrezia angles herself at 30 degrees again. She quickly pulls herself up into a rear when she calculates she is close enough to attack. She aims at the black mare’s shoulder. Her front limbs pumping, feeling the adrenaline run through her body, and strikes forward, her hooves searching for any flesh and bone.
The target of the attack is to hit the shoulder. There are plenty of muscles around the shoulder that she could possible hit and injure to slow the other mare down. Lucrezia’s hooves are likely to come down the other mare’s side hitting perhaps the Latissimus Dorsi or even the external intercostal muscles. The gluteal fascia and superficial gluteal were also likely targets too if Thanata was fast enough to get away, which was rather unlikely.
Thanata could also possibly rear up if her timing is off and the other mare meets her half-way up as she does. This leaves also room for hitting a few of the muscles in the chest area and even the shoulder too (such as the deltoid which helps flex the shoulder). A strong blow to these muscles could weaken the use of them and make movement difficult and further attacks too, especially if any of the upper limb muscles (such as the brachialis) or chest muscles (pectorals or lower portion of the brachiocephalicus, which help the movement of the front limbs.)
Lucrezia had excelled and made a life of her own. It was a life where she had followed her heart and mind, and became something she never thought she would be. She was a leader now, holding the responsibility on her shoulders and the crown of power upon her head. And now she was preparing for what may come in the future of Beqanna.
It is not until the black mare steps into the line of her vision that she snaps back into the world around her. She is quick to give her fellow resident a warm welcome, but she knows she is simply not here to play diplomat. Lucrezia was here to fight, and fight she would do. The mare begins to analyze the other horse’s strengths and weaknesses she might have. She first noticed that difference in their size and how the black mare towered over her. Next, she noticed Thanata’s more muscular figure. This would indeed be challenging, nevertheless, Lucrezia was up for the challenge.
While Lucrezia may be small and fragile looking, she had acquired the skill and family genetics of past fighters in her blood. She had not gone without obtaining the endurance and smaller muscular form of her heritage. Overall, Lucrezia’s speed would surely be an advantage to her in this battle. Although she knows she cannot entirely rely on her agility and smaller form from any scars and. Thanata’s own breed and genetics surely had their own advantages and disadvantages when it came to defending and fighting another horse. Then again, Lucrezia was equipped with a pair of wings that surely might help her during the fight. Thanata so far did not show any signs of traits, but a physical appearance was not always what it seemed.
Lucrezia quickly picks up into a fast trot, straight towards the mare. As the distance becomes shorter between them, she quickly turns off to the left so that she is now trotting at a slight angle (about thirty degrees) away from the other mare until her back hooves are almost in line with Thanata’s left side. Quickly, Lucrezia throws her weight into her front hooves and bucks at the black mare.
The target is rather a large area that she wishes to hit (anywhere on the other mare’s left side). If Thanata hasn’t moved at all, she is likely to hit the abdominal muscles that connect to the pelvic, ribs, and rear muscles. This would make any movement somewhat uncomfortable. Lucrezia’s hooves could also hit near the intercostal muscles that aid in breathing. However, it was more likely to bruise than cause major issues.
Once her attack is finished, she lands on the earth and quickly pushes forward at a fast trot. She keeps a small distance between them for just a moment. The mare isn’t sure how much her first attack has caused damage or maybe nothing at all. There surely isn’t enough time, so the mare quickly pulls a tight loop around and heads back towards Thanata. As the short distance between the two mares closes in, Lucrezia angles herself at 30 degrees again. She quickly pulls herself up into a rear when she calculates she is close enough to attack. She aims at the black mare’s shoulder. Her front limbs pumping, feeling the adrenaline run through her body, and strikes forward, her hooves searching for any flesh and bone.
The target of the attack is to hit the shoulder. There are plenty of muscles around the shoulder that she could possible hit and injure to slow the other mare down. Lucrezia’s hooves are likely to come down the other mare’s side hitting perhaps the Latissimus Dorsi or even the external intercostal muscles. The gluteal fascia and superficial gluteal were also likely targets too if Thanata was fast enough to get away, which was rather unlikely.
Thanata could also possibly rear up if her timing is off and the other mare meets her half-way up as she does. This leaves also room for hitting a few of the muscles in the chest area and even the shoulder too (such as the deltoid which helps flex the shoulder). A strong blow to these muscles could weaken the use of them and make movement difficult and further attacks too, especially if any of the upper limb muscles (such as the brachialis) or chest muscles (pectorals or lower portion of the brachiocephalicus, which help the movement of the front limbs.)
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