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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    open your eyes, your sea is changing ; jinju

    Warrick does not stay in one place for long. He is currently dedicated to Tephra (being fiercely loyal to a fault), but even then he has not been there very long. He had not settled down anywhere in his entire life. He remembers moments briefly in the land he was born in with his mother and his twin sister, but even then they were not there long enough to be ‘settled’. He figures that with the way his life has turned out so far, in a few years or so, something will happen and he will pick up again and vanish. Unless there could be something to make him stay. He remembers a short time with Orani and Beyah, where he and his twin were between children and adulthood. They were still very much nomadic, but they were happy. As long as he was with them, he was home – no matter where they rested their heads. The time they spent together feels shorter and shorter as the days pass. He remembers the day they left him, abandoning him on the mountain. But he was starting to forget them – he could barely remember what their voices sounded like, their faces he could barely make out when he closes his eyes, even the way they smelled. It was all vanishing before him just like they had vanished that dark night on the mountain.

    Warrick does not stay in one place for long. That is why he found himself stealing away from Tephra at dusk, briskly trotting south like he normally does. Instead, this time, he heads west. He passes the field and the meadow, continuing on his way without any real destination. He reaches the forest, which was still familiar to him, so he continues – waiting for when the scent of the land was no longer recognizable. He begins to notice, as he moves quickly and stealthily through the forest, that the trees were starting to get taller as he moved further in – even the forest floor was becoming denser.

    He slows just as the sun was about to set beneath the horizon. It was terribly dark in the forest, blacker than he would have guessed at this time of night. In Tephra, just before sunset was bathed with golden light from both the sun and the distant volcano. Here, though, he was shrouded by the silence of tall, stagnant trees. He stops, trying to quiet his breathing. He felt like was too loud, like he was intruding on the trees and their very growth. His cobalt-tipped ears flick to and fro, listening to the sounds of the forest. It was so very different than anything he had ever witnessed. It was so deadly quiet – he felt like he could hear the trees growing.

    Warrick glances upwards, his bright eyes taking in the scenery above him. The tall redwoods seem to stretch onward endlessly, sturdy and strong in the chilly autumn air. He snorts inquisitively, his breath forming in a cloud of vapor as it exits his navy nostrils. He could see the stars peeking through the canopy, desperately trying to be seen through the thick trees’ branches. He’s kind of happy he cannot see them quite clearly.

    Judging by his surroundings, the sights and the smells, Warrick knows he is in a place he has never been before. He has heard of Taiga, with their great redwoods and the forest so large that you could easily become lost, like a maze – but seeing it with his own eyes was much different than merely hearing about it. The whole wood was simply majestic – he felt like he should dip his head in respect to the tall trees that tower over him.

    Soon his scent (and perhaps his entrance itself) would be caught on the wind by a resident. He stands quietly, admiring the scenery with wide, curious eyes. He’s not sure if he even knows how to get back home if he tried.

    w a r r i c k


    Messages In This Thread
    open your eyes, your sea is changing ; jinju - by Warrick - 04-22-2017, 05:13 PM

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