She is bold and wild, even with the bustle of activity that was only known to a place like the field. She was not afraid, though cautious. She knew what she wanted (or at least at her young age) and seems to be on a journey to find the exact thing she is looking for. Her confidence is electric, for both Tang and the fledgling Bristol by his side. Though naturally he is a protector and guardian for the younger ones that he meets, his intention was not to forcefully bring anyone to his home. Everything in Beqanna (to Warrick) was an option, a choice; one thing leading to another by decisions. He merely, for the moment, wishes to be in their presence and join in conversation, all the while on alert for any peering eyes that would wish them any harm. He could not help it.
He doesn’t realize yet (and of course, neither does Bristol) that Tang perhaps had never been around the magic that flows inwardly and outwardly of Beqanna. Warrick has no magic himself, but he was born here – it was natural to him to see winged equines. Tang was in for much of a surprise if she was to continue to explore Beqanna – she would definitely end up seeing much more than feathers!
For being young, Tang was rather smart. So was Bristol. He nods in agreement as she speaks about the various lands that make up Beqanna. “Bristol is right about Pangea. Be careful in your wanderings that you do not accidentally travel there. It is not a place for happiness.” His voice is solemn, grave. He has heard quite a many things about Pangea and their leader, whose name left a bad taste in his mouth. He hopes that the two girls would never find themselves anywhere near that place or near one of its inhabitants.
“You are young. Roots are not necessary now – maybe not ever.” He smiles gently, returning to his own years as a young colt where he ventured nonstop, never slowing down and never staying in one place for very long. In fact, he hadn’t stopped wandering until he had found Tephra and even then, there was no guarantee that he would end up ‘planting roots’ there. If he had to leave, he would be able to – that’s the thing about not having a family…you’re never tied down. “The Lake sounds impressive,” Warrick says with a rise of a single brow in Bristol’s direction. The idea behind their small domain was a noble one. “Tephra is very close to here and is warm all year round – that would solve the winter problem.” He laughs, smiling at the two before him. “Remember though, Tang. Right now you are lucky enough to make your own choices and decisions for yourself. Do yourself kindly and choose a path that you will be happy with. Do not let us force your hand in anyway.” He glances at Bristol, hoping that the young girl would agree with his statement.
w a r r i c k