04-22-2017, 01:56 PM
Children would walk on Taigan ground once more. Now in the form of their youngest sibling, which Jinju had stumbled upon – or had Enfys stumbled upon her? – in the forest when she had been looking for their mother. But within the year there would also be a child in the form of her own blood calling the Taiga home. She hoped more life would follow soon.
It is true the pine tree forest is still mourning. They all do. But good things had been happening too. Jinju had finally reconnected with their father and she had mend her relationship with Circinae too. She liked having a friend at home. A friend had also joined the Taiga in the form of Aten, who seemed eager to prove himself worthy of living here. Though, they weren’t family. Not like Heda was.
The smile that makes her lips curl mirror’s Heda’s. She does not wait for her sister to come to her, she walks to meet the buckskin navy woman half way. ”Heda” she repeats again, almost as a soft whisper coming from her lips. Jinju is eager to extend her own neck to brush the velvet of her nose against her sister’s. ”With everything that has happened, surprisingly okay” she answers with a smile. Pausing she takes a step closer and as her ears pin forward she reaches out to playfully nuzzle Heda’s neck. ”You?”
Knowing Heda this well, she does not miss the exhausted look on her usually bright and happy features. She’s worried for her, but at the same time they are all adults now. With a small smile she pulls back, but she does not step out of Heda’s personal space. Even though they aren’t as close as they had been as children, to Jinju Heda was one of the few she really felt comfortable and secure around. She could only hope that it was the same for her sister and they would be able to talk and get through this all together.
It is true the pine tree forest is still mourning. They all do. But good things had been happening too. Jinju had finally reconnected with their father and she had mend her relationship with Circinae too. She liked having a friend at home. A friend had also joined the Taiga in the form of Aten, who seemed eager to prove himself worthy of living here. Though, they weren’t family. Not like Heda was.
The smile that makes her lips curl mirror’s Heda’s. She does not wait for her sister to come to her, she walks to meet the buckskin navy woman half way. ”Heda” she repeats again, almost as a soft whisper coming from her lips. Jinju is eager to extend her own neck to brush the velvet of her nose against her sister’s. ”With everything that has happened, surprisingly okay” she answers with a smile. Pausing she takes a step closer and as her ears pin forward she reaches out to playfully nuzzle Heda’s neck. ”You?”
Knowing Heda this well, she does not miss the exhausted look on her usually bright and happy features. She’s worried for her, but at the same time they are all adults now. With a small smile she pulls back, but she does not step out of Heda’s personal space. Even though they aren’t as close as they had been as children, to Jinju Heda was one of the few she really felt comfortable and secure around. She could only hope that it was the same for her sister and they would be able to talk and get through this all together.