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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    hey ladies

    Sreva. His mind whispers her name, his lips pulling into a grin while she lets out a whinny. Their energies collide as seamlessly as before, but with a new element to it – right away he notices but cannot pin point just what it is. She is a woman now, more than before. His eyes trace her matured curves and her slightly changed colors. Her tentative stare is there somewhere, but as always it softens when it befalls Chem, and his gaze too retains its affectionate ‘twinkle’ he has always had for her.

    “Thank God” Her voice exudes the relief and Chem wastes no time pushing his whiskered muzzle into hers, and down her neck, and bumping softly against her shoulder before moving back to her muzzle. He laughs, “I know right – I do apologize for such a sudden disappearance…” His smirk is crooked as here tips one eye down to her. “I had a bit of trouble following me, I had to…lose it.” He winks a teal eye and leans away, about to comment on her rather attractive grown form when something suddenly grabs his attention…

    Vessel. He sees her in the distance, butt to him, that butt. He grins, though he knows she’s most likely so very grumpy with him. Sreva is still beside him and surprisingly she held no grudges for him, seemingly only understanding and genuine joy to see him. He would not leave her standing there and go after his dear little sexy minx lover, Sreva is a lover of his too, a beloved one, a loyal one, and he would not just move off. He touches the painted mare’s shoulder, a nibble leaving a small bit of drool behind. He stretches himself up to reach his full height, “I see you.” His voice cuts through the chilly morning air and booms like a clap of thunder against silence. Even the birds around them take pause; some strangers turn to the noise, some startle. His eyes bore toward the bay woman, such a woman she’s become since three years of age. How did I manage to set this up? Two women, my women, still here, still mine... “If you would come here, Ves, I can try to explain…” His stomach sort of turns. No. I won’t really explain.. Fuck. His nostrils quiver with a flashing rush of anxiety but when his eyes find Sreva’s his thoughts fade back to pleasant ones.

    A golden glow against the jade and sienna. An owl passes overhead, silent as a night with no wind and his eyes follow it all the way to the forest’s edge. It’s gray body disappears but standing just beneath where he vanished into the umbrage is a golden mare who seems to glow against the dawn’s rosy laminations. He is pulled from the warmth of Sreva’s company and the conflicted feeling of Vessel’s back turned firmly to him, the coldness of her anger. He’s drawn away into a dream for only a second, but seconds in dreams can feel like days. He nickers below his breath and tosses his tail, the idea of approaching her or calling her to him briefly passes through his mind but at the moment he’s caught in quite the web... What to do?  He raises his head and bobs his chin; he beckons her with body language, a proud posture and his dread tail propped half up (it is indeed pretty heavy nowadays).

    A sapphire in a sea of emerald. As any stallion worth is weight in value, Chemdog was most comfortable in situations where he was surrounded by mares. Preferably pleased, pleasured, intelligent ones – but mares of any kind will do. The scene so far; Vessel hating him from afar, Sreva is delightedly at his side where she so belongs, a stranger to the east and a stranger to the west catching his eye… This stranger in the east grazes among the swaying green grass, some of the last grasses to keep their green for the progressing autumn season. Ah yes, estrus hangs heavy in the air but to be completely truthful Chemdog will mount a willing participant (and sometimes unwilling-ish) no matter the season…and children, well, with Kota still at his heels and several out there [or maybe dead] anyway, kids are of no priority, really. This blue mare, such a color, sees them and lacks any real interest; he can see this from where he stands. He, however, is plenty interested in her. Alone? He wonders to himself as he stares rather relentlessly in her direction for as long as he could before his attention has to divert once more.

    I found somewhere to live, if you’re interested.” He says this loud enough for all of them to hear, Vessel, golden stranger, blue stranger, but his eyes are with the closest girl. His nose finds Sreva’s, everyone is spread across the small area but she is right there. The heat from her body can be felt against his dark, speckled ribcage, her muzzle soft under his lips as he kisses at her soft nose-skin.

    astra inclinant, sed non obligant.

    holy sheet i hope i got everyone and addressed everything <33

    Messages In This Thread
    hey ladies - by Chemdog - 04-09-2017, 02:30 PM
    RE: hey ladies - by Sreva - 04-09-2017, 08:34 PM
    RE: hey ladies - by Vessel - 04-16-2017, 09:14 PM
    RE: hey ladies - by Naira - 04-17-2017, 07:22 PM
    RE: hey ladies - by Neoma - 04-18-2017, 01:05 AM
    RE: hey ladies - by Chemdog - 04-21-2017, 09:40 AM
    RE: hey ladies - by Sreva - 04-21-2017, 01:48 PM
    RE: hey ladies - by Waylan - 04-21-2017, 11:20 PM
    RE: hey ladies - by Vessel - 04-25-2017, 07:57 PM
    RE: hey ladies - by Chemdog - 05-11-2017, 08:56 AM

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