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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    open your eyes, your sea is changing ; lucrezia, any

    Warrick cannot help but stare distractedly into the sky. Even though they were no longer with him, he feels at home (however tragic and painful) when he is searching for them in the stars above.

    At first when he sees her, he mistakes her for a shooting star. Dark lids narrow around his inquisitive blue eyes as he inspects what he believes to be a ball of fire and gas, but he quickly realizes he is incorrect. He gladly welcomes the distraction (her timing was impeccable) and is thankful that her presence would allow him to draw his gaze downwards from the stars above. He traces her movement in the sky with large eyes; admiring the amount of skill and precision she displayed in controlling her strong wings.

    He snorts softly as she lands before him, graceful and prim. The warm radiance of the molten lava beside them illuminates Lucrezia’s face, making her already golden body much more golden and filling in the white splotches with an orange glow. He wonders why she is still up at this time of night – did sleep have a hard time finding her? Was the weight of her new responsibilities keeping her awake? Or was she like him; refusing sleep even though it lay heavy on his weary body.

    “Lucrezia.” He speaks her name gently, as if not to disturb the quietness that envelops them in the present darkness. “It’s late,” he murmurs offhandedly, even though he knew that she would already be aware of the time of night. In fact, she was probably up and about for a reason (unlike him), like patrolling the borders and protecting the slumbering residents of Tephra.

    A few moments pass quietly and Warrick’s blue eyes are thoughtfully watching the slow and careful movement of the stream of magma beside them. “How are you? Since becoming our leader?” He asks her honestly, truly wishing to know her thoughts about her current state – emotionally and physically. He wishes to help Tephra in any way he can, but he doesn’t know what needs are to be met. Maybe he could distract himself as well as lighten the load for his new leader – take on smaller things while she focuses on the grander, more important duties.

    He quickly realizes that maybe this question was too bold, and he stammers slightly as his eyes swiftly meet hers with an apologetic gaze. “Y-you don’t have to answer that,” he says hurriedly, “you barely know me.”

    w a r r i c k


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    RE: open your eyes, your sea is changing ; lucrezia, any - by Warrick - 04-18-2017, 04:29 PM

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