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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    god make me pay like the devil i am; any

    He can’t stand it. He can’t stand when he feels their eyes on him, those judgmental stares that so hungrily await his next move, and his next mistake. He wonders if he can manipulate the water with such force that a blow to their eyes would have enough pressure to rip them from their sockets. He makes a note to try this eventually.

    The scowl doesn’t leave his face, permanently spread across pearlescent lips like a hungry jackal. How dare she interrupts him. How dare she even look at him and think that she was worthy of his time. The colt throws his head up, chin high as he tries to look down on her, breathing heavily as he decides what to do next. He nearly focuses just long enough to begin to influence the water behind her, particularly imagining what it would look like to watch her be dragged deeper into the water she so serenely stands in. How naïve, thinking that the water was safe and unchanging in a small pond like this. His eyes glimmer with his violent intent.

    Her voice is calm and cool against his ears. Oh why did she have to be polite, too? It bothered him all the more. He groans and cannot help but roll his eyes with distaste, losing all concentration and unable to bend the water the way he wanted. Instead, she may only feel a sudden pull against her slight legs and then nothing. He was not strong enough yet to be able to focus on two things at once. “Nobody means to do anything,” he spits, lips still split apart in a snarl.

    Then, something very interesting catches his eye (lucky her). He furrows his brow in confusion, snorting curiously as he watches water lift from the pond. The confusion then melts away and pure rage replaces it. The colt takes long and giant leaps to get closer to her, flabbergasted and appalled that what was happening was not his doing. Suddenly, in an instant, whether be on her own volition or not, she had taken away the one thing that made him feel special. She was not allowed to have the same power as him.

    “Stop doing that!” he screams as he lunges into the water, eyes mad with fury. “No, it’s mine! You’re not meant to have it!” Maugrim’s bared teeth bite furiously at the water at her withers, trying to undo what has now become apart of her. He isn’t even sure if his biting is working to make the water stop, and he certainly isn’t even sure if his teeth were accidentally (maybe not so accidentally, then) making contact with her flesh. He didn’t care. The water was his and only his. She was not allowed to have it.

    m a u g r i m.

    [ooc] please let me know if you don't like him trying to bite at her, please feel free to make it so he misses and isn't able to get at her skin at all. he's just an angry little thing and can't help it. :3

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: god make me pay like the devil i am; any - by Maugrim - 04-17-2017, 05:49 PM

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