The ocean-side Kingdom is a far cry from the Tundra where so grew up, but it is easy to love. She wanders the very edge of the water, occasionally lowering her nose to the surf and keeping an eye on the colt somewhere on the shore with her. It has been some time and he is much more mobile now, the months giving him control of his long legs and ungainly foal body. Soon, she hopes that he will find his way to playing with the other foals she has seen around the Kingdom. His aunt, technically, and several other colts. She does worry, though, about the way he looks.
From a distance, Puce is handsome. Dark, probably going to be black, framed in purple mane and tail. But up close, she knows already that he is afflicted with the same condition that she had for a long time, the condition that had so repulsed her mother. The skin that flakes and falls away, only to regrow; the inability to keep weight on…the reckoning had made her look normal at the same time that it had stolen her other abilities, but this year she had seen many foals already resplendent with traits, and her son is now different from them – except that while they are blessed, Puce has been cursed with this condition.
Speaking of…she lifts her head and calls to him, because he is almost out of sight, chasing some insect or flight of fancy. Cassady worries about him. She supposes that is normal, the worry, the heart-stopping moments when she is sure he has fallen or disappeared or been injured. It is like the way that Brennen has always looked at them, even if they didn’t ever rate that sort of attention from mother. “Puce!” she calls again, trying to bring him back to her side. She’d promised to introduce him to more family today, either Brennen or Carwyn, whomever she comes across first, but she won’t be able to if he has wandered away.
@[Lena] / @[Puce]