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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    call me the world's sexiest killing machine


    He'd been gone for days. It shouldn't have bothered her, not one little bit, but it did. She grew edgy and antsy in his absence, her flamable temper far shorter than it already naturally was, her veins glittering with hungry sparks just ready to ignite. It was probably just the hormones. Probably just the urge to be near the safety of the father or something.

    The slightest flicker in her peripheral had her eyes flying to search the movement for him. So stupid, so pathetic. She didn't even like the bastard.

    God, and finally the sunlight glimmered at her as though reflecting off a mirror, lighting up his metallic body and blinding her. It was the insane brightness that burned her eyes and plucked tears to the surface, of course. Not the stupid hormones or the unwanted rush of relief washing through her that he was finally back and in one piece. Damn this stupid bastard for making her give a damn about him.

    She glanced at Reilly as Kirby explained the situation back home. Or the lack of a situation, thank god. Those bastards. Strong, dependable Reilly, a constant in her life now, in the kids' lives. She was sure he would be coming with them, glad of it. With everything going on lately they hadn't had much time to really spend together, and maybe that would change soon. She turned back to Kirby as he finished and gave a short nod.

    Yeah, lets get the hell outta here. I want to go home.

    She called for the kids and started walking. Everyone would catch up, she wasn't exactly running anywhere any time soon with this unwieldy bulk around her middle. Not that she minded completely, though she wouldn't admit it. Those sweet little kicks from her insides made her go all soft and glowy sometimes, when no one was looking of course. She couldn't wait to see how this little one would turn out, and hoped it wouldn't be another set of twins that seemed to run in her family. One more was plenty, thank you. Especially when unplanned. Thanks, Kirby. Bastard.

    And there he was to greet them when they finally arrived. She was exhausted, her back ached, bathed in a rich sweat and huffing, hair tangled in her face. And all she could think is how badly she wanted to knock that stupid smirk off his face. She was glad she'd be having the baby at home though. So damn glad. This place was her life. Their lives. Home.

    And damnit if they hadn't been through enough already, now some twit demanded she accompany her back to her hell-hole of a home. Did she really have to? Like a kidnapping or something? Well, fine. Whatever. But clearly they weren't going very quickly.

    She sighed. So damn exhausted and now even further to go. Her weary brown eyes turned to Reilly, always Reilly. She swore one day she would make sure he didn't feel like a permanent nanny or something. Somehow. She'd make this right. Always having the kids dumped on him. But he was the only one she knew besides their father, and the only one she could trust. The only one bothering to be in her life. And the kids loved him.

    Watch them a while, Reilly?
    Don't let them try to follow me.

    And with Kirby at her side, she set off on yet another unwanted adventure away from home.

    God damn it.


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    RE: call me the world's sexiest killing machine - by Wallace - 04-14-2017, 01:47 PM

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