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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    on and on we go; sabrael, wallace, vida, any
    To say Vida had been left in tremendous shock that day was an incredible understatement. The residents of Ischia always had each other's backs, a testament that had been put under stress when the vote came. Many who lived there sided with Ea, including Vida herself, a sight that please the grulla mare. Ea had been one to show her kindness and give her a home here, a fact that Vida would always remember. She owed Ea everything.

    But then, Ashley had done something incredible: he'd betrayed them. The stallion chose, along with his family, the side of the purple stallion that had come here to claim the island land. Though Vida was not a close friend of the stallion, his betrayal broke her heart. He was willing to give up the land, their home, to strangers? How dare he!

    But Vida knew they could not fight, for with Ashley and his family on Kirin's side, the now former Ischia residents were outnumbered. Vida instantly knew what she would do when everything was decided. As Ea began to leave, Allura by her side, Vida moved to follow. For a moment, she hesitated, looking back like her leader, her heart breaking as she said one last goodbye to what had once been her home. Ischia would always be home in her heart, even if they had to leave, but that didn't mean this whole situation didn't hurt.

    As they made their way across the ocean, Sabrael following from the air in his dragon form (something that to this day still shocked Vida), she wondered if he would reveal the news. Unlike Ea, who might know though she all purposes, Vida had heard what had happened with Pangea. Sabrael, and Wallace too; she would be sad to see them go, no matter the period of time. And now, with Ischia lost, how would Ea take it? Vida could only hope she'd remain strong enough to stay on her hooves and help care for those who had followed her, as they would care for Ea in return.

    Midway across their ocean trip, Vida slipped on some sand, injuring herself. She had told Ea and Allure to go on ahead, still following but at a slower pace. She still made her way long enough that she did not have long to swim as the tide came in, the water only up to her breast bone by the time she made it to the mainland once again.

    Nostalgia filled her mind, but she pushed it away so she could follow after Ea. She could still spot Sabrael's large form in the distance, but after losing it, asked some others if they'd seen in what direction Ea had gone. She received a good enough answer to trail after her leader, eyes filling with joy when she spotted not only Ea, but Allure and Sabrael in the meadow.

    Limping toward them, the movement not as noticeable now since her leg had some time to fix despite all the walking, Vida just managed to catch the last of Sabrael's words. She echoed his sadness, giving the young horse a soft look, one that said she would miss him before she turned to Ea.

    "We will take back Ischia one day Ea. You will have your home; the herd will have its justice. And Ashley will receive judgment for his mistakes. You still have those loyal to you; we will not leave your side. We will do as you ask, help when needed to keep each other alive. You, your foals, and every horse in the herd," Vida said with as much pride as she could, trying to keep Ea's spirits up among the loss of Ischia and Sabrael's news.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: on and on we go; sabrael, wallace, vida, any - by Vida - 04-09-2017, 08:52 PM

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