His mind played with different thoughts, different scenarios that could come about. His red stare upon the champagne stallion searching him for those signs. Signs of uncertainty in himself as his position didn't advance. Second guessing whether he should actually take flight or stand to fight. His fears called to the dark stallion as he drank them like a fine wine. Sipping and swirling as he tasted it upon his tongue...
Since little more than empty threats and stomping came of the stallion his attention averted back to the fire child. Not that she was of child form or mind. No she definitely was not. Crimson gaze fell on her for only a moment before another arrived to play in his game. His head cocked to view the winged creature as she boldly approached. His grin even more prominent now as she volunteered to play. Intrigued at what cards she would hold...
Unleashed was her abilities on him and as his emotions had slated and been replaced with her own projections his red stare was ablaze. Visions of all the things others feared played in his mind. Their worst nightmares come to life. As he watched the feast that lay before him he could feel his grin become demonic. A witches cackle arose in his throat and poured into the forests. Echoing for all to hear. Her words were heard but he did not run. He had gotten what he had wanted. Fear...
The others watched in wait. Wondering what would become of the dark stallion. Maybe hoping he would fall into the darkest depths of the fear. Instead they watched him feed upon it. And as the grip from his mind fell his gaze met that of the golden mare. He took a step forward but no more. His words hissed from his lips, "Thanks for playing. It was rather... delicious." With that he simply grinned and cocked his head to the ruby eyed one beside her. His gaze dancing upon her features as if waiting for what was next to come...
He hadn't forgotten the taste she had taken of him and his own lips ached to reach for her but he held back. The thought made his mouth water so his head twisted back to view the stallion who was still watching. A distraction was needed. "You wish for me to leave you say? Are we not having fun?..." His question had for the most part been answered. "Well I've had fun. I enjoyed our little games." His final statement a little more enthusiastic as his eyes fell back upon the fire wielder. A half cocked smirk pulled at his lips. A singular step was taken closer cause his next words were for her ears only "I hope we can play again sometime..." As they were left whispered into her flesh he turned back to the shadows. His smooth gait making him seem to float over the darkened landscape. We shall meet again he thought as his direction was to the west...
Wanna Play a Game?