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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Run... Save Yourself from the Destruction [Open]

    It was the dead of summer, and though Tephra was knowing for it’s high temperatures and warm climate, the stallion had become accustomed to the weather. He has come to love the volcano that watches over the land, a silent and brooding protector rising high in the distance. He moves through the humid land with ease, finally comfortable with the ins and outs of the landscape. When he first arrived, he was extremely focused on learning the land, and could be seen following new paths and exploring throughout the kingdom. Before, it was haphazard and less purposeful. But now, he takes his steps easily and confidently, walking purposefully as he roamed.

    Warrick was not one to sit in one place for more than a few minutes at a time and this was his explanation for constantly venturing throughout Tephra (the true reason was only known to the silent and stoic stallion). It was almost like a clockwork routine. He was not assigned to protect the borders or to scout for intruders, but he did not like feeling useless (or bored).

    The bay stallion was making his typical trip around the outskirts of his home when he notices a parting in the long, brown-green grasses. He snorts curiously, navy-tipped ears pricking forward with interest. His slow walk became a trot, nostrils flaring and head lifting upwards cautiously.

    Of course, what he found was no new shape in the landscape of Tephra nor was it an imminent threat – it was merely a foal curled up in the grasses, sleeping peacefully. Warrick stops short, standing over the sleeping filly with a tilted head to match his look of uncertainty (as well as complete surprise). Questioningly, he glances around for any sign of other horses around them. Whose child was this? He was still learning the names and faces of Tephra – it could be anyone.

    Warrick lowers his head towards the bay filly, nostrils flaring inquisitively. A scent reaches him that is familiar – distant but lost somewhere in the trace of his mind. He raises his head quickly (he dare not interrupt the child just yet), snorting once more as he tries to search his mind and place how he recognized the smell. He closes his eyes for a moment, inhaling deeply.

    His eyelids flick open, revealing brilliant blue eyes that glance down at the filly. He remembers now; the mysterious mare he had met in the forest – the filly bore an acquainted scent. He presses his navy lips together in a thin line with thought. Why was a filly from Sylva resting peacefully on Tephra soil? His black tail flicks at his indigo hocks as he debates.

    Finally, he decides that he must wake the child. He whinnies as he paws the ground beneath him with a single hoof, attempting to raise her from her sleep as well as alerting any who were near that assistance would be needed – or perhaps a mother would emerge from the shadows and all will be solved.  


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    RE: Run... Save Yourself from the Destruction [Open] - by Warrick - 04-05-2017, 05:36 PM

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