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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    something destructively daring; zor (idk, probably M, let's be real)
    Do something.
    "I love you. More than I've ever had the words to say."

    The words echo in his mind like some song stuck on repeat. The first few days it had been pleasant, reassuring even when she didn't return to him the way he'd expected. But it'd now been more than just a few days. Not that he'd been counting, but it certainly felt like months. He'd found out she was pregnant, became excited over it, and discovered new and soul-churning feelings. He loves her. His beautiful sister. Of course he did. They were all each other had. Always there for each other. She'd helped make him who he is. And now, she'd changed him again. With one set of words, she made him realize that love went much farther than some sibling bond. Farther than physical attraction. He told her he loved her. Had always. Would always. The truth of it was profound, the answer to so many questions. And there was going to be a child. Zoryn was going to be here for that precious thing growing in Diz's belly. They were going to be better than their parents. He'd vowed not to be like them. She had too.

    So where was she.

    A month, at least. And she'd not returned to him. He tried not to think about why. Why she denied his urges when he'd wanted her so (did she not also want him?). Why she hadn't come back. He isn't worried. She is capable of handling herself, even with her bun in the oven. She is smart. Witty. Strong. God, and so sexy. His beautiful disaster.

    A man has his urges, though. And since he'd been denied his (and damn it he is getting fucking tired of being denied), he had attempted to find other consorts. Dovev, but he'd been unable to find him. Some other chick, but those damned words rang in his head and he hadn't been able to fucking perform. Every time he would go to utter a provoking word, or deliver a bite or kick to illicit the responses he so often yearned for, he heard her voice in his head repeating those words. Or the image of her pregnant figure would flash to the forefront. He couldn't do it. Not to some random female. Not when all he wants is to be fully engrossed in Dizzy.

    So he goes home, and he waits. He walks. And he grows impatient. His beast stirs and growls, begins to pace. Some time in the past couple of days, he smells Dovev on the wind right here in this forest. Taunting him. The beast roars and slashes its claws, yanking against its chains. Zoryn goes where his scent is strongest, but the creepy bastard is gone. And there, he smells her too. He sighs, a long slow hiss of a sound. And turns, turns away and goes back to his own corner of these woods.

    Before long, she comes to him. Finally. He turns to her as she makes a beeline toward him. His face is an unreadable mask at first, all but the glimmer of anger in his eyes. He wants to be angry, wants to tell her just how crazy she's made him. Wants to give her a damn piece of his mind and make her explain herself. God, but look at her. The shadows caress her black and white body, bits of light illuminating the sheen of her coat and the lines of her curves as she approaches. Her belly has grown and he feels that zing right down to his groin. Fuck, she's so damn hot. Absolutely gorgeous. And she's marching straight toward him with purpose in her brown eyes.

    He can't be still, so he moves to meet her. Embraces her as their lips crash together and sparks fly through him. Fuck, he's supposed to be angry. He IS angry. But it didn't matter right then. Her kiss is desperate and he rises to meet her, beat for beat. He groans into her mouth and deepens it, letting his desire trump the anger, though he does nip at her bottom lip. A heartbeat later and then her face falls away from his, and his eyes snap open to see her tears begin to fall. Confusion rides him hard as her sobs rack her and she presses her face to his shoulder. His gaze roves her body as she pours out words he doesn't comprehend at first through the haze of his need. What is wrong with her? Nothing, as far as he can see. No new bites or cuts, nor swelling that couldn't be attributed to her pregnancy. But, he sniffs. And then he remembers.

    God damn it all. Fucking Dovev.

    The beast snarls and paces from one corner of his mind to the next, its fury renewed. Zor stands frozen, the lines of his face drawn tight, jaw clenched. She says she is sorry. That she doesn't want to hurt him. And yet, she'd fucking left him after opening the gates of his heart. And she'd been with him. If he were capable of growling, he would. Now burning in a way that had little to do with desire. No, scratch that. He has a new desire. One that has his beast's maw dripping with drool as its lips draw back over its fangs. His heart races as he suddenly craves blood. Blood and pain. So much pain.

    He comes to realize he is trembling himself, and snaps back to the here and now with Diz. It isn't her he will be tearing into. He isn't so furious with her. At least not mostly. "What's going on, Diz." He forces the red from his vision. Forces the words through clenched teeth. His voice is rough, like water over jagged rocks. He doesn't know what to say. He isn't good with words. All he truly knows is all these retched feelings warring in his mind, along with this damn beast with its snarling and rattling. Soon, pet. Very soon. He forces his gaze to her face, searching. He knows she will decipher his meaning. She of all people should understand him. He struggles to steady himself, the wildness of his breathing, the panging of his heart. There are things he should say, he knows, but he can't at this moment. Can't focus enough to know what to say.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: something destructively daring; zor - by Zoryn - 04-04-2017, 11:53 PM

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