To do list: 1. Wait for tonight.
2. Try to take over the world.
Kirin had told them the plan, had told them where to be and by what time, and then he left stating he had further work do before they acted. He had guaranteed them special treatment, to be treated as family. Callbear was satisfied for now, mostly becuase Vengeling and Sidlet seemed appeased by the offer. She would address her personal concerns later once things were settled. The three waited in the forest until the time came for them to go. Vengeling was itching to go, to leave the clearing that had sheltered them for the days that passed after Kirin left. But Callbear stopped she had a different idea in mind. Sure They had agreed to help the Lavender beast, but that didn’t mean they had to jump the moment he said to, no she would show she still had a mind of her own, that he didn’t control her. ”Best not be too eager to bend to his will brothers, I feel that would only lead to a tighter grip. We will be there… but we will not be overly eager to ask how high he wants us to jump.”
When they arrived a study in shades of black and gold, everyone was gathered. A mare announced herself as Ea and questioned Kirin’s purpose, but Kirin didn’t bulk away if anything he stood his ground more firmly. His confidence was immensely attractive, but that wasn’t the point. She went to stand next to her lavender leader and added herself to the ranks that filled the spaces to either side. She watched as the native residents puffed up their chests and demanded answers, it was all a show for in the end, it didn’t matter, they were all bark, no bite. The one that called herself Misra was interesting, as she set in on one of the huffy stallions, whose name she had missed. A smirk was firmly planted now on her face, as her eyes danced with the mischief of a thousand imps. She was one that Callbear would have to befriend, later of course when discussions of such nature would be appropriate.
Others arrived but they didn’t do anything notable enough for her to take notice, but then the huffiest of the chest puffers came, he spoke in his deep booming way. Chastized them for wanting to stake their claim. But his black and white body was just that air… his words lacked any true bite and she found him amusing. Like an interesting toy, she wanted to play with. She gave kirin a look, but didn’t wait for permission, she had already made it clear she didn’t need that, and she slinked toward the puffy man. Her crisp black body swayed and her gold tail flicked which each step she locked eyes with the stallion, and let her soul reach for his. The sway of her hip and the way her eyes searched to claim his soul was mesmerizing. But she could care less if he let his male brain win out in the end or not. She didn’t dare get close enough for him to make contact but she circled him instead, eying him up and down as she arced around him. His words were sharp, demanding, but his logic was flawed. ”No one owns these lands, and your time here is short, what is a few years to Beqanna. She will not care who resides where. I quite like it here, You are interesting… I’d like to break you down.”
She paused in her circle, and turned to Kirin, her voice taking on a mockingly pleading tone, ”Kirin, can I have him? I’ve never had a pet before, and I’d like to….play with him.” She broke into a smile wicked with her own sense of humor and she turned back to Dovev to see his reaction to her asking to keep him, surely he would find her as charming and funny as she thought she was.