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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'm in the details with the devil [team purplehiney]

    It was the dragon's roar that called him. It thundered across the entire island and probably far beyond. The warning, the rage, the hunger in it spiked his pulse and sharpened his eyes, jerked his head from what he was doing and called him forth at his quickest speed. There was trouble. For a split second, he wondered if the prince had gone feral on the residents. But there was an edge to that wild threat, a wrath barely contained, and that was enough to tell him this was something far more displeasing.

    Raging flames licked the ground, drawing a violent line before the company of Ischia. Ashley was there already, and he looked pissed; as formidable as he always did in face of a threat. The vise on his heart eased at the sight of his powerful mentor, and noting the dragon's defensive position on the one end, he slid behind and beside Ashley at the other end. He kept close enough to Ea and her child; he was trained for protection after all, and she was the Queen. And the child an innocent. He didn't think it would be needed though, not with Ashley here. He was the most powerful magician, a force to be reckoned with, and there was no way in hell he'd be letting anything happen to their home. Not where his own women lived, his own children were born. Not where Wallace was, whom he swore to protect. Not where he had Dovev at his side.

    So a small smirk twisted his dark lips. Finally, he'd see what his master could really do. What the dragon could do. He rolled his shoulders in anticipation of joining them, blood already spilling from his growing armor plates. Ready for more of it to spill. This is what Ashley had trained him for. Protect what he loved, and he loved this damn island.

    When the smoke cleared, his eyes landed on the lavender man instantly, the same shade as the children. Already, he tensed. If this was the man who'd hurt Wallace, then why the hell was he still breathing? They'd been charged with his death, so why did he yet stand? He glanced to the mage, waiting for his bolt of lightning to rain down on them, but it never came.

    "You are most welcome to stay, you should in fact. Stay, have peace with me, for your family. You're families."

    "Think about it, since when did invaders come bearing gifts and peace? Maybe we're not invaders at all, at least listen to us first before you judge us."

    Disgusting. To think a raid of fools could waltz in like they own the place and call it peaceful? Idiots. Ischia would not fall to their petty lies and self-importance. "You don't own this land. You have barely walked upon it for the very first time, and you are so self-righteous to seek a claim to something you know nothing of? To the people you know nothing of and who know nothing of you? Your entrance is disgraceful.

    You are unwelcome and you will leave now."

    And he fell quiet with a hard stare on the one that thought himself a leader. Ashley always bore into him the notion of honor, a lesson that had not come so easily to him as it should have. And this, this was dishonorable. They would not let their paradise be trampled so rudely as if it were free for the taking. There were many who called this place home, and their trust rest in Ea and Ashley. Not complete strangers. They would not bow to anyone else overseeing their lives and families.

    I'll take my bow, I won't make a sound
    I whisper truce as the ashes hit the ground


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    RE: I'm in the details with the devil [team purplehiney] - by Dovev - 03-31-2017, 08:32 PM

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