03-28-2017, 08:33 PM
And all that you hold dear shall crumble and fall around you
It was different here. Gone was the warmth of the womb she clung to for almost a year. Hunger nor thirst she had not known. Darkness and warmth, but not here. No, here was cold. Her belly yearned for something but she was unsure of what that was. So much uncertainty she had...
Comfort came in the form of a body beside hers. It's warmth soothing but it did not take away the bite of the chill completely. Her mind told her to stand. Stand and thrive but she needed guidance. A brushing came across her delicate features. Cleaning away the wetness that dampened her brown coat. Deep black orbs struggled to see it's form in the darkness. Surely whatever it was was good. Tiny nares breathed deeply the foreign air and the scents that followed. Everything was so new and it was exhausting to say the least...
As her crown lowered to nestle across her forelimbs, lids half shuttered a noise came forth. A horrid screech that startled her to alertness. Soon followed by nearing steps as a dark figured emerged in what light there was. Each slow step brought it closer... closer... Then a gentle sound came from behind her. From the warm body that lay beside hers in the dried grasses it came. Meant for the other. Looking up now at the towering figure that was examining them she snorted. Klaudius, meet your sister Kolera... Words meant little to her but she was a bright child and she sensed they all were to know each other. There was no danger here and she was safe. Satisfied with that she twisted her nape back to lie her small head across her limbs. Huddled close to the warmth she knew now...
Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust