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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Tell me Pretty Lies(any)
    fuck all your dreams; they're not all they seem.

    Romek did not like recruiting.

    It would not be too far of a stretch to say that he hated it. Yet here he was, looking horribly out of place. He would rather be in the deep cool hands of his forest, and yet…

    He has heard rumours. Whispers on the wind, as it were, this his black and yellow daughter has been seen around here recently. And, while he certainly respects her right to choose her own path, she had never actually said no to Taiga, and if she was here, looking for a home, it would be only fair to consider Taiga equally amongst the others. In truth, he did not want her to leave. He remembers the one he had lost, long ago. He had searched and searched for her, to no avail. He did not want that to happen to Arete too.

    But of course, the well laid plans of mice and all that… He happened to stumble across a mare, not overly remarkable of itself, but there was a stallion, too, a pushy-looking one, with shifty bits that reminded him of his own sire. A relation, perhaps – his sire’s side of the family tree was littered with the shapeless, and equally littered with shapeshifters on his dam’s side. Remaining static was not a familial trait.

    He has half a mind to just walk on, carry looking for his daughter but – another mare approaches, he recognises her as a Taigan. He doesn’t really pay attention until she makes reference to Ruan and he lifts his head from the grass he was eating, chewing thoughtfully as he wanders up to the trio. By the time he has reached them, the Taigan has truly put her hoof in her mouth, embarrassing herself and her father, and Romek shakes his head.

    ”Shut up.”

    He offers a sort of smile to the other two, though how can he mean it? The stallion was trying to force the mare into decisions she might not want and the mare seemed…grateful for it? Well, there were all sorts.

    ”My name is Romek. I’m afraid I didn’t catch both your names.” He settles down lazily and awaits their replies.


    Messages In This Thread
    Tell me Pretty Lies(any) - by Bellamae - 03-19-2017, 06:27 PM
    RE: Tell me Pretty Lies(any) - by Wyrm - 03-19-2017, 07:36 PM
    RE: Tell me Pretty Lies(any) - by Bellamae - 03-21-2017, 08:57 PM
    RE: Tell me Pretty Lies(any) - by Heda - 03-21-2017, 11:02 PM
    RE: Tell me Pretty Lies(any) - by Wyrm - 03-22-2017, 10:00 AM
    RE: Tell me Pretty Lies(any) - by Bellamae - 03-22-2017, 04:59 PM
    RE: Tell me Pretty Lies(any) - by Heda - 03-22-2017, 10:34 PM
    RE: Tell me Pretty Lies(any) - by Bellamae - 03-23-2017, 07:00 AM
    RE: Tell me Pretty Lies(any) - by Wyrm - 03-23-2017, 11:20 AM
    RE: Tell me Pretty Lies(any) - by Bellamae - 03-23-2017, 04:16 PM
    RE: Tell me Pretty Lies(any) - by Romek - 03-23-2017, 06:16 PM
    RE: Tell me Pretty Lies(any) - by Bellamae - 03-23-2017, 06:46 PM
    RE: Tell me Pretty Lies(any) - by Wyrm - 03-24-2017, 06:45 PM
    RE: Tell me Pretty Lies(any) - by Romek - 03-25-2017, 04:09 PM

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