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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    let's burn something beautiful; any
    She had made presumptions. Her mother would be most dreadfully upset. Azula made a point then, of mentally noting not to do so in future. She was perhaps a little too brash sometimes, respectful but maybe a little to presumptuous for her own good. The fiery girl gained knowledge, absorbed everything like a sponge, until every little pore is filled with knowledge. This was a little blip. The chestnut mare shifted her gaze to another approaching vessel. Smaller, compact. Another child. Oh yes, she had made presumptions. At first glance the valley did seem barren, deserted, not full of life like it had been years previous, but perhaps, perhaps nowadays many lurked within the shadows, scouting the borders like the regal wolves of old. She made a snort then, shook her head and disheveled her muddy flame-kissed mane.

    Her ears tuned to Valkerine. The way she slipped herself closely next to the other two was pretty evident it was a relation. Children. The future, the gifts that are given from a mere seed that blossomed into something great, sometimes greater. A smooth smile cracked her dry lips. Polite to the end, a little bittersweet but trying to grasp the friendly aspect. She had never been interested in children, she'd perhaps been too engrossed in herself, her power. A flick of her tail, slapping against her hocks and the rain started to twitch in the clouds above, spitting here, dropping there, the warmth still clammy against her skin, it was refreshingly cooling.

    "Pleasure. Valkerine. Val. What a great little greeter you are." she smiled, a little bit toothy, a little bit sweet. Azula then nodded, slow, letting the long curls of matted red mane to fall in torrents down her neck. "Thank you, it is... good. To be back here." she was earnest then, as true as the skies that were brightening above with but a single look, the moon was coming back out in it's bright, pale light, bathing the valley in a luminous, homely glow. She was back, it felt good to step back on home soil, the soft mud squelching beneath her foot reminding her of what she had lost when she left. She lost her mother somewhere, her father somewhere else, and of course, Azula had lost herself somewhere along the way. She hoped she'd find pieces of herself, like little puzzle pieces scattered around the Valley. it looked like she had found one already.

    "I should have known better of the Valley." she gestured to the orange eyed steed, her own halloween stare matching him. He was worn with something a little more than age, she could tell, but she was polite, she was a little miss fire-cracker but she knew respect and offered it in just. She gave a little smile then, of knowing, of something else entirely, "It's good to see the Valley has a bright future. Children little blossoming seeds of prospect, are they not?" she made a deliberately long sigh then, of some strange want to be as bright as a prospect, or perhaps another thing. Azula had a mind full of things and she would pick them at random. Her gaze then fell to Thorunn, she poses questions like Azula had when she was her age, but of course, you never learnt anything without asking questions. "I've been around, many places, but nowhere near as majestic as Beqanna, or as homely as here." she held the young girl's gaze for several moments longer than she should, a crooked smile pulling at her lips. She then directs her attention to the night black stallion, she did not wish to pry, but with feet upon home ground and a weary head, she wished to know things, be brought back into the loop, so to speak.

    "I'm assuming again, but I take it much has happened in my absence. The Valley seems different somehow. Whatever happened to the Red and Blue Queen?"

    the orange eyed, weather manipulating daughter of jackal lantern & calcyfur
    let's burn something beautiful

    Messages In This Thread
    let's burn something beautiful; any - by Azula - 06-09-2015, 02:09 PM
    RE: let's burn something beautiful; any - by Azula - 06-11-2015, 02:42 PM

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