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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    give me love and all your hate [M]; diz

    This was it. She was going to pull away. They'd part ways and look back on this thinking what the fuck? as they kept well enough away from each other. They'd probably both be afraid to come this close again, keep each other at bay to protect themselves. They'd know how good this could be, how terrifying and disastrous. How incredibly wonderful. Catastrophic.

    She pressed her forehead to his -this is goodbye, isn't it? a sweet goodbye- and trembled, finding breathing as difficult as he was. "Maybe you're right," she whispered, her cheek rubbing gently against his, sending wild sensations down his neck and between his shoulders. Just a sweet goodbye. Her lips followed the line of his jaw, "I should know better," and he gasped quietly as she lingered there, her favorite spot. His too. Her tongue stroked him, a softly urgent little whimper slipping from those terrible lips as a feeble groan pulled from him. Damn, she felt good. Suddenly alarms were going off inside him, his pulse skyrocketed and he wasn't sure who was in control here anymore.

    And then -oh, god- her hips..

    She rocked, grinding her provocative body against him, and his answered without thought, pushing back eagerly. Fucking Diz, she could never leave well enough alone, could she? That was definitely not a goodbye. His eyes shot open, seeking hers in wild, needing shock. She was so goddamn wicked. Oh, and that look in those eyes, so deeply wanting. Wanting him. He tried to save them, give them an out, take them to safer grounds. But she coaxed him back, dared him to face this.

    "Maybe I don't have it in me," she whispered.

    Not fucking yet, you don't.

    "But I'd try. For this, I'd try."

    With a sharp jerk, he resettled her hips under him, lined her up precisely how he wanted her, exactly how it would feel the best. His head ducked to lather her in kisses; her breast, her collarbone, her neck. After a time, he paused with a groan, Goddamn it, Diz, he breathed against her, shoving against her with another firm rock. Just a tease, just an urgent taunt. He wouldn't do it, not yet, not til he could look in that face as he did, watch her expression turn from that hungry fear to ultimate bliss. And he did; he pulled back to stare down at her, his eyes roving every curve and plane as he taunted her again, pressed again. This was so bad, such a mistake.

    You're going to regret this. You're gonna hate me. It was probably true. He'd hate him too after this. He was good at that. He rocked again, pushing her further against the ground with the slow force of it. But you're gonna love it first, he promised.

    He lifted -just enough-, finally met those eyes again and held them, locked them with his. Settled exactly there, the wet heat against him fogging his eyes. And then he tortured them both, slowly, so slowly sinking in with a shuddering breath, til there was no where else to go, no further. His mouth carefully dropped to hers with a steady, sweet kiss as he retreated.

    Then did it again.

    I'll take my bow, I won't make a sound
    I whisper truce as the ashes hit the ground


    Messages In This Thread
    RE: give me love and all your hate; diz - by Dovev - 03-14-2017, 03:15 PM

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