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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    A child, that’s all she is, all she will ever be in their eyes. She has already endured so much, suffered so much. Her heart was born nearly hollow. It tried to mend and fill itself with love, but she was tossed aside, left to learn the pain of solitude. The girl almost replies to him immediately, her mouth opening as she blindly tilts her head up to him, but then her lips purse shut and she remains quiet. The heat of his body lulls her, a balm for her wounds while they are still healing. Her cheek rests thoughtfully against his shoulder, the only sound emanating from her being slow, steady breaths.

    ”But I smelled her here,” she finally admits as the memories replay, ”and I knew then that I was trespassing into something I shouldn’t.” Anger, pain, disgust. It all bubbles inside her now, brimming and threatening to pour from her throat. She isn’t an ignorant, blissful child. She doesn’t see the world as a beautiful or hopeful thing. Everything in her world is dark, disheveled, shapeless. ”I followed anyways,” her voice is dropping to just barely above a whisper, the truth leaking from her, the lack of remorse filtering through as she peels away from his side.

    ”I was born into turmoil. My birth – creation? – was blessing and a curse.” The world had been so dark – always so bleak – but when their voices pierced the stillness, she knew that it was better to have been blind. It saved her not seeing their glances of confusion, of disgust, of disapproval. ”My life was crashing down before I was even standing. I’ve been ruined,” this is the most that she has spoken and not observed her surroundings, ”they all ruined it.” Mother, father, Zoryn, Leliana. Because of them, she has no hope, no happiness.

    Her head turns to unseeingly look at him. Her face is stern, her lips a pursed thin line. ”So I tried to ruin them.”

    dove into her eyes and starved all the fears
    picture by haenuli shin- HTML by Call - words: ________

    [Image: callwolf_zpsasro4cel.png]

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    magnus; - by Atrani - 03-06-2017, 09:04 PM
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    RE: magnus; - by Atrani - 03-13-2017, 07:32 PM
    RE: magnus; - by magnus - 03-18-2017, 09:59 PM

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