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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the shadows are calling us out; deimos

    and I don't know why  

    He takes his time. Playing with the boy and keeping him company, everyday scanning the horizon for a familiar flame haired mare. She had left in the middle of the night without a word but her message was clear enough. She had her own business too take care of and he would do everything to take care of the boy in her absence. So, for her, he became both guardian and friend to the child. The spent three days in the meadow after Raeg'n left, and for him it felt like three days too many.

    With a silent nudge he let Ruan know it was time to find her.

    He didn't have any idea where their midnight angel had run to, nor did he have any clues as to where to even begin his search. All she had left him with was Death, so Death is who he sought.

    He followed whisperings and frightening tales of a valley that had been purged by the star god until he found himself standing at the border of Pangea, a land torn apart by the whim of a mad-man and remade by those twisted enough in their desires to follow him. Rocinante stopped and took in the barren landscape with a stoicly studious look before turning to the boy. Using the signal they had come up with, the titan let the boy know it was time to play hide and seek. The boy would hide, and the warrior would come and find him. Once he was certain that Ruan was well hidden, Rocinante began his descent into the forsaken land.

    Once in the belly of the beast, Raeg'n's trail was easy enough to pick up. It was faint and stale, but she was here and that was a good start.

    He wandered through the torn bones of the valley, eyes and gait focused, searching for any sign that his angel might be near. It didn't take long before he finally spotted her navy blue pelt and fiery mane. His rush of relief was quickly subdued when he spotted the black hide of the stallion currently twining himself around her like he owned her, like she was a piece of meat about to be devoured under his gaze. The rush of fury that threatened to overwhelm him would have surprised him if he wasn't already moving. Pinning his ears flat against his head, Rocinante reared and let loose a silent squeal before thundering down the slope towards the duo. As he drew closer, he slid to a stop next to Raeg'n, snapping a wing out between her and the stallion in an attempt to block her from the demons hungry stares.

    He couldn't speak but the anger directed towards the stallion didn't need words.

    Rocinante | Blue Roan | Belgian Draft | Stallion


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    RE: the shadows are calling us out; deimos - by Rocinante - 03-16-2017, 02:31 PM

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