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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    every single night pray the sun will rise - Lior
    A time would come in the near future where the dark stallion and painted queen will need to discuss the responsibilities. She will be queen ever after and Lior? Well he supposes he will be the caretaker. He would never ask Nayl for any less. She was a born queen. In fact, Lior finds a flutter of excitement ripple through his bulk at the idea of spending time, teaching, playing with the child.

    Who would have suspected the carved marble of a man could be moved by a child? Certainly not he.

    His features return to their typical place, stoic and undetermined as she mentions that she had not sought out if the sire was happy. Perhaps their rule of Sylva, their child, all in efforts of control...to create a legacy? Lior would not pass judgment for the mare was far smarter than a beast such as he. For a moment he wonders if it was his place to ask. Djinni was a queen after all and he was a mere Queensguard.

    He reminds himself of his place daily.

    The mention of a boy-child conjures up another small smile from the inky depths that were his lips. "A son indeed." The male is pleased to hear it. Perhaps the little one will be painted like his mother (he has not seen Stillwater and therefore has no other reference). But it is when the genie has asked of the other children.

    The bastard creatures of sin.

    All hints of emotion slip away, the carved black mask replaces the ghost of a smile. "Yes...some ages ago." Lips become tight, silver eyes gripping her in a moment of barely contained rage, sorrow, pain...but then...then he remembers that all of that is gone.


    They had died out with the memory of Gunsynd.

    Good fucking riddance.

    Lior composes himself, relaxing the muscles of his jaw and neck. He inhales...he exhales, steadying the fire in his belly. "You will be an excellent mother, I am sure of it-" He speaks matter-of-factly in the attempt to return to the casual air of their moonlight conversation, "-I am here if you should need any assistance, Queen Djinni." The break of ease has returned him to his formalities. He has not been offered the liberty to address her in an other manner. Silently, the stallion builds the wall in his head, brick by brick. He did not want her to see what was in his mind.

    "I should hope our children will be able to play together, provided Nayl lets it out of her watchful eye." Lior muses though he is not sure how well Nayl will take to motherhood. Nonetheless. if duty calls then he will take over where she leaves off. This child was wanted...loved already. Lior would not screw this up.
    I want you to remember

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: every single night pray the sun will rise - Lior - by Lior - 03-11-2017, 11:51 AM

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