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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'll carry you, and we will live forever; ALL MANDATORY.
    He stood blankly, distant. As soon as she appeared, his demeanor changed completely, warm and welcoming again. Like he used to be. Fur. Her little body scampered to him, pressed into his side where she knew it was safe, always safe. Ru-an, she pronounced brokenly, and his muzzle bent naturally to comfort her, brushed against her neck as he tucked her in protectively at his shoulder. His eyes were warm and soft and sure when she peered up at him. Wolf, she declared quietly, her gaze scattering to the others present that smelled so dangerous to her. He smiled softly and repeated into her hair that whispered promise he would always keep. Safe.

    He watched as the others trickled in, heeding Reagan's call to them. He was pleased to see his sunshine girl, and didn't miss the sweet brush of her wing against Fur that seemed to settle her nerves just a little, before she joined her mother and sister. He nodded silently to Romek, glad he was still roaming and protecting their forest, and smiled at sweet Illae, no longer quite so small.

    And then he snapped to attention at Reagan's movement, away from the place she chose to be easily visible, his eyes sharp and watchful as she came to stand at his side. A familiar heat stirred in his chest, riddled with the sting of icy blades, but he was wary. He was uncertain at this change, stepping down and coming to him, but even still, the rest of the world fell away. As it always had with her.

    Until she pressed into his side, and suddenly his ears were flicking back and he was battling emotions. Warmth, love, betrayal. Coming over and claiming his side just as Jinju had. Allowing the enemy to walk into their home, and rewarding him, gifting him. The beast in his mind shouldn't exist, hadn't been real before, but it growled low, so quiet. Then silenced. And he breathed, carefully folded away the foreign darkness in him. That, too, hadn't been there before. As though the demon had poisoned him when he kicked the magic into his gut.

    For a moment, he was lost in that tragic memory, only dimly aware of Reagan's voice next to him. He latched on to it, pulled himself back to the surface in time to hear the things she said. Something had passed that only he and she would understand and he looked at her, confused. You didn't have to. That's not necessary, he thought to her with a small shake of his head and furrowed brows.

    He turned to watch the rest trickle in, greeting them in his silent way, but he could no longer find Tyrna among them, and Circinae looked.. uncomfortable. He frowned, feeling his chest tangle up in impossible knots, feeling like somehow it was his fault. The smell of the beast snatched his attention away immediately, though, and his mind snarled. Enemy. Hard eyes glanced at Reagan, his jaw clenched tight, and he turned and left as she dismissed them, returning to his familiar solitude.


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    RE: I'll carry you, and we will live forever; ALL MANDATORY. - by Ruan - 03-10-2017, 09:05 AM

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