03-08-2017, 09:02 PM
Now, Merida was not one to be taken by surprise. The ebony mare, flecked with bright scarlet and scars to remember adventures past, has a sharp eye that would not allow her guard to be lowered. Even as her black lips sip icy water, her ears were constantly swiveling and her eyes constantly moving – she had learned to never be caught unawares. Of course, even with this mindset, Merida never could have expected anything to breach the top of the pool she had been drinking from. Ice covered most of its surface, and most of the carnivorous creatures that would wish her harm would no longer be lurking beneath its depths. So when the water suddenly gives way and opens up to a mare emerging from its chilling and frigid waters, Merida is utterly shocked for the first time in ages. So much so, that she had leaned forward a bit too much before pushing off of the bank in a half-rear, that the water had entered her nose. Merida’s hooves land squarely (and almost crossly) onto the muddy bank, and she snorts loudly in an attempt to relieve the burn that the water left in her nostrils. Brilliant red tendrils of mane and forelock fall haphazardly as they come to settle on her face, her bright golden eyes staring wildly out from beneath the tangled mess. Immediately she recognizes that the creature that pulled itself from the freezing waters was not a threat. Who would be wary of a pregnant mare? Merida’s black ears tip backwards slightly. Perhaps she should be more cautious of those who leap out of water to scare innocent bystanders. “Aye, right then!” she says gruffly in response a hint of a Scottish accent on her voice. She tosses her head slightly in efforts to gather herself as well as to get a better look at this strange mare, golden eyes surveying her curiously. “Is this a thing you do, then?” Merida asks bluntly with an emphasizing flick of her bright fiery tail against her red-flecked haunch. “You just appear out of near-freezing waters to startle someone to bloody bits?” Truly, Merida was extremely curious to know how exactly this bay mare, frosted with white, came from the depths of the pond. She, of course, would refuse to appear too eager. However, she isn’t able to stop herself from taking a few steps closer to the pregnant mare. merida |