03-01-2017, 08:47 PM
Tyrna Like a shadow dancing on the edge
She had watched him. From the moment he had entered the clearing where the meeting had been held she had known just where he was and her eyes tracked him as he made his rounds. He had stopped before the green mare next to her, extending his nose in greeting, suggesting a familiarity and comfortability with one another. The twinge of jealousy that followed was shocking to Tyrna to say the least. She felt herself drawing back, pulling her thoughts and feelings leaving nothing but a blank puppet fro the other members of the Taiga to see. Tyrna was already grossly uncomfortable at having been called for like a dog by someone she had yet to meet, she knew that wasn't Reagan's intent but it stung her pride all the same, so any other conflicting emotions just hurt her head. She was about to pull back, to withdraw from the small gathering and hide in the warm shadows beneath the trees when finally, finally, blue eyes found blue. He did not reach for her as he brushed past, he did not even stop a nod a greeting, but when he turned to take in the assembled members of the forest before finally settling his heavy gaze on her, she couldn't breathe. He stood apart from them all, somewhere in between the ruler and the people, but she did not look away. Blue met blue and the world slipped away. Tyrna listened half heartedly as others came and said their piece, but it wasn't until the monarch sidled up and tucked herself in comfortably at Ruan's side that the spell was broken. A quick shake of her head seemed to set her straight. The words Ruan and I echoed over and over between her ears until it was too much. The steel girl had never been one to get caught in the middle, and perhaps this was her cue to walk away. Tyrna bobs her head in respect to both monarchs before taking her leave. If he wanted to find her he would, and a small part of her hoped that he did. Silver dapple sabino|Mare|Andalusian Hybrid |