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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Claim, with Lye

    this is what i brought you, this you can keep
    this is what i brought, you may forget me
    i promise to depart, just promise one thing
    kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep

    ____Her joints were premaritally numb, cold with ice and rigid with wear. She hadn't moved with such passion riding her heels with a fervent flame, in so long. It felt strange, perhaps a little overbearing, but boy it felt good. Her thorn ridden mane, messed, tussled and knotted, rode the air in a torrent of raven black, her limbs willowy in the action, pull and push, pull and push, she is not as quick as she could be, there's a frozen action to her hindquarters, the scars tainting her otherwise flawless black body, memories and stories to tell around the ghostly midnight hour. perhaps one day, she would tell another the torment she'd had, perhaps one day the burden would not bear so much on her shoulders.

    ____Perhaps, one day, she would feel more than this.

    ____Cezary's flight reminded her of a steady hawk, his eyes were as studious, she'd noticed, and he had a regal look about him as he charged. She was flanking him then, her neck extending to propel herself further. Her right hind windmilled, her hock stiff and untimely in pace, but for now she ignored what she looked like, she ignored the thoughts that dashed good moments like this, she enjoyed this for what it was. Lye's orange gaze focused, kept tuned in on Cezary. She was pushing, pushing herself so hard, her nostrils gulped air, sucked in the warm summer heat, gasping. Her lips dry, throat parched, she clocked the pool of crystalline waters up ahead, the beautiful surround of trees. flourishing with summer blossoms. For a moment she felt nothing, for that glorious moment she was free from painful memories and ugly thoughts, and she pushed on past him.

    ____Perhaps she pushed too much, her legs gave way a little, stumbling here, tripping there, but she regained herself as gracefully as could be at such a furious gallop. She looked back, a mistake on her part, and saw he was coming up once more, still true to his word his wings were tucked regally by his side. Her head was thrown up then, a brief whinny, hoarse, sounding more like a gull's call than anything else. she pushed on, the lake coming up closer, closer, the waters looking oh so inviting to her dry throat (it would be a blessing to drink something not as salty, not as uninviting as sea water) Lye's back leg then gave way fully, her hock bending, fetlock arching in a strange angle, she tripped, her body skidding along the ground, her side scraping the grass beneath her, taking tufts of emerald green and moist earth with her, she skidded right to the water's edge, where she lay on her side for several moments in silence, her lungs gasping, her limbs shaking from such vigorous activity.

    ____Lye lifted her head then, looked back at Cezary, dishevelled, patchy with green stains and dust, a few scuffs here and long strands of grass laced into her mane, she may have looked a mess but the sound that came from her lips, was a sound that had never been heard. Like a caged bird never sings, Lye had never laughed with such joy, such passion behind it. The black mare then rolled, unsteady at first, she managed to get up the third time round, then made her way to the waters edge. Her body sticky, slick almost with sweat, her lungs still demanding air, but her throat, so parched, she dunked her nose immediately to the cool waters. She drank her fill and lifted her head, muzzle trickling with water droplets, she looked back at the buckskin steed with a steady eye.

    ____"Maybe it isn't too wise to do that to often. I forget, I'm getting older. Feel a bit rickety." her voice was calm, perhaps hauntingly so, but the glint in her eye that had stayed throughout the whole run, dimmed for a while, she knotted her lips in a slight frown, hoping he did not notice, she then surveyed the Golden Plains with a keenly interested eye, before slowly stepping into the cool waters. She needed something cold against her feverish skin. she dunk her head again, pushing and pulling the waters, a light hum in her voice, she looked back at Cezary.

    ____"This place is so beautiful, so tranquil. You have a keen eye for beauty, Cezary. A keen eye indeed." her voice smooth, soft, like shredded pieces of velvet and satin falling on the ground by her feet. she waded back towards the banks, the waters just past her shoulders, she outstretched her muzzle back up to the winged stallion. "That's better." she mused, shaking her head, droplets and mud, chunks of grass and more water flew from her face, her head and neck, and then, she smiled back at him with a smile that could light up the night, with eyes as bright as fiery embers.

    ____She felt she had finally found a home. She felt she had finally found the end to a loneliness that bore deep within her. And it was about time.


    the orange eyed, immortal daughter of busted & locket, who wears her heart on her sleeve in golden plains, with, cezary

    Messages In This Thread
    Claim, with Lye - by Cezary - 06-09-2015, 03:22 PM
    RE: Claim, with Lye - by Lye - 06-09-2015, 03:30 PM
    RE: Claim, with Lye - by Cezary - 06-09-2015, 04:25 PM
    RE: Claim, with Lye - by Lye - 06-10-2015, 08:05 AM

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