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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  And the Wind that brought me Down [any]
    He nodded to each of her terms, smiling with the last one that reflected softly on the blue of her lips. He ducked his head low, and it was as loud to her as the voice he didn't have. I will follow you. I will help you. She gave a short nod back, acknowledging what he couldn't say in words, and turned to seek out Ruan once again.

    He had already noticed them, and came to a halt before her with a brief touch to her shoulder. She found herself mirroring his action, though she'd never been very affectionate, her nose brushing against his mane instead before retracting. The silver-gray boy introduced himself with a curious glance at her, "and this is my Angel. Who are you?"

    Their new friend bowed low to Ruan as he had to Raeg'n earlier, then again tried to explain that he couldn't speak. She smiled and nudged her boy playfully, somehow at peace that he was near again. I am Raeg'n, she offered with a breathy laugh, unaware of the blush that warmed her face at her given title: Angel. Somehow it felt wrong to let him think it was her real name, dishonest, despite that she may never know his.

    Bright, amber eyes settled on Ruan. He can't speak, she explained lightly, just a simple fact. But perhaps we can give him a name? She shrugged apologetically at the warrior, sorry that they may never know his true name and hoping he didn't mind a new one. How 'bout... Raksha, she tested, looking between them both for approval. It was short but strong, a solid name like Ruan's. It means Guardian. She smiled, her eyes dancing with amusement. It wasn't perfect, but perhaps it would do.

    R A E G ' N!

    She flinched violently at the sudden voice in her mind, dodging low and tense as if she expected it to beat her physically. Her eyes slammed shut and she grit her teeth against it, both fear and anger rising within her in unison. She wasn't sure how long she remained that way, breathing shallow and waiting for the echo to fade away and then tension in her head to dissipate before she slowly shook her head and opened her eyes with a groan. She met the Guardian's gaze with a grave meaning behind it. It's time.. He calls for us, she whispered, then shifted to make sure Ruan was ok; hoping he didn't have to go through the same burst of power in his head.
    Image © Wizards of the Coast LLC

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    RE: And the Wind that brought me Down [any] - by Raeg'n - 02-28-2017, 08:20 PM

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