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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'll carry you, and we will live forever; ALL MANDATORY.
    fuck all your dreams; they're not all they seem.

    He would not abandon the Taiga again and, indeed, he had been present in his own way, lurking in the shadows, moving by the starlit dusk as predators are apt to do. He was not entirely solitary, as the majority of his time was spent with his family, his dear Maribel and their son, who by now was becoming his own person, and eagerly looking to fledge his wings into the world – and now they were expecting another one, another child, and Romek found himself looking forward to this.

    And, although he has always nurtured a healthy disrespect of authority (he just did not believe in putting anyone on a pedestal just ‘because’), respecting individuals was an entirely different matter, and Reagan and Ruan were horses he admired, and held in high esteem. The forest, these days, seemed bustling with life. It probably helped that, having had his home ripped from underneath him multiple times, and had somehow ended up on both sides of past conflicts (that, fortunately he had been absent from) he found it hard to feel like the Taiga was his child, or dear and close to him, or even entirely precious, not like he had felt for the Tundra so long ago, or the Deserts even longer ago. No, these days his loyalties were to his family, both by blood and association. For as long as they all existed here, he would live and protect them all (whether they wanted it or not). So, when he heard the magician call for them all to gather, he found it easy to throw off his old, familiar striped-fur skin and slip into his horse form, with the spots along the spine and golden eyes.

    He slips into the meeting quietly, listens to them all speak. There are young ones he doesn’t recognise, and adults he doesn’t recognise, but he does recognise Ruan, Reagan and Jinju, the fire-eyed girl that reminds him so much of Maribel’s father – the once King, the once leader… vanished, like many of them. He nods to them, and, familiar with the drill of meetings, offers his name for the others; ”Romek,” and falls quiet. He has no interest in the politics of the forest and he would rather eat off his own legs than jump through hoops to gain notice, those days are long, long over. He does recognise that a connected network of warriors is always more effective however, so he supposes he ought to make an effort to join in a bit more.

    ”Defence.” he says, although he knows that Reagan probably knows this already.


    ew but hello, romek is here.
    if you're happy to pretend that IC he's kinda just lurking about, not really talkative but there in the shadows, thats fine by me. otherwise contact me and we'll sort something out Smile

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I'll carry you, and we will live forever; ALL MANDATORY. - by Romek - 02-27-2017, 04:27 PM

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