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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    she slept with wolves without fear; camrynn
    so you wanna play with magic?
    The girl finishes speaking, and she laughs.

    It is a gentle laugh, laughing at rather than with. Clever girl, she thinks. "Yes, like I am." her voice that is a million voices is warm with mirth, and a smile plays on her iridescent lips. "Although I can't say I'm hiding in the shadows." she pauses for a moment. "And I'm absolutely certain that I can – and will – shape both lives and Beqanna." she eyes the girl for just a moment. "And so will you, if you'll accept the terms."

    She knew that the girl would, will. She knew it before she ever approached; she had not doubted that Rhynn would be snared. It was written on every shadow that Rhynn had ever touched, scrawled large across the blackness of her small body. She wanted power, wanted – well, everything. And luckily for her, Camrynn happens to have everything to give, and every reason to want to give it.

    "It's simple, really." her voice is still many voices knitted together, but with a strange smoothness, like butter or caramel. "You may live wherever you like, do whatever you like, but when I need you, you will come to me and you will do as I ask." she watches the girl intently with eyes that are bright like suns and silver like moons all at once. "You'll always know when I need you, so don't worry about that."

    She makes no further promises, no indications of what she may or may not ask for, because there are no restrictions. The gift that she is giving them requires them to give themselves to her fully. She will not accept conditions. She will not accept partial loyalty. She will only accept the fullness of what they have to offer, their lives in limbo, a living testimony to her power. Not that she intends to keep them in limbo – oh no, she is just beginning to draw them together, incipient chaos with the slow beauty of a hangman's noose, tightened with impossible slowness around a neck. They are the head of the spear, and she will be the tie that binds them.

    Her own little army. It's a pleasant thought.

    Well, to her.

    "And in return for your service, you'll receive a gift. Well, technically, two gifts. You'll receive my mark, which will be almost indistinguishable except to your fellows." she pauses without exhaling - "Oh, there are more like you. Not many, and don't worry, not identical. But more like minded individuals who find what I have to offer compelling." she grins then, and it is not lighthearted before. "Our own little family of chaos." A family of lions in a world of lambs. But you know what they say, the family that slays together, stays together.

    That is what they say, right?

    "And in addition to my mark, you'll receive a new ability to play with. But it'll only last as long as you're loyal." She pauses then, again. "Oh, and if you fail to obey me, fail to answer a summons…well, losing that new ability will be the least of your worries." The Queen Illuminate burns quietly, the sun and the moon and the stars gone supernova against the black machinery of night. "There's only one more condition, but really, it should go without saying. This is secret. Speak of me, or of any tasks I give you, to any horse who does not also bear the mark, and I will know. I always know." and she doesn't doubt that Rhynn is fully aware. She can hear the wheels turning in the girl's head as the knowledge of magic settles in. And good that it does, too: it makes things so much easier when they're able to just understand and accept that they face something as wildly powerful as a magician.

    "Well, Rhynn? What's your answer?"

    Not that her answer was ever in question.
    co-queen of the deserts, magical, mother of badassery

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    RE: she slept with wolves without fear (camrynn) - by Camrynn - 06-09-2015, 08:25 PM

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