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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    there is a fire in my belly and beast in my mind; ruan
    His strange mannerisms seemed to be confusing for her and he grimaced, instantly wishing he could be just a little less wild for once. At least for today, for her. He'd used to be at one time. He wasn't sure what had changed that, why he had become so distant and.. lost. But he liked it; it was comfortable and real, and he didn't want to be found and changed again. He wanted to stay exactly who he was.

    She quickly brightened at his offer that she come visit, and he felt a soft smile answer her almost shyly. It always surprised him when someone readily accepted to see his home despite how peculiar he knew he was to them. Or perhaps it was just her, as he didn't really think he'd had the chance to make that offer many other times.

    For a moment there was silence, and he settled comfortably into it as he watched her. She turned back to him and stepped away, finally relenting some space for him to feel more at ease, and his muscles relaxed a little more at the freedom. It was but a breath after and she was looking at him with a new light in her eyes that bled into his own; a heightened awareness, an interest. She spoke her challenge with another pace away from him, and a familiar wolfish grin tugged at his dark lips.

    He threw himself into her game, leaping forward with a sharp snap at her flank before bounding away. It wasn't so long ago when he had played this way with Aranea, the mare with fire in her eyes. His friend. She'd been upset and needed a distraction, and so they'd run and chased until they were both bathed in sweat and their bones were weary.

    Now it seemed the roles were reversed, here with this new woman with a different kind of fire in her eyes. Untamed, untethered. Now the game was for him, and though she could have no idea the connections his mind made, he was still grateful. And he was eager to get lost for a time with her, to let all the worries and troubles slip away. Just for a while.

    He smiled over his shoulder at her, holding his own challenge in his blue eyes. Come on then! The sting in his lungs was welcomed like an old friend, the burn in his muscles as he pushed himself to an immediately difficult pace. She could keep up though, with the power of her magic flashing through her, and so he kept on. He glanced to her, unsure if she had a particular destination but not really needing one. Only needing exactly what she gave him: clever company and physical labor.


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    RE: there is a fire in my belly and beast in my mind; ruan - by Ruan - 02-26-2017, 10:10 AM

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