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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  a falling star fell from your heart; any
    You suck my face : You lay me down : Under your skin : I'm so divine
    Jord walked onto the terra of the meadow. Her ebon bodice moved through the drying tall grasses of autumn. The sunlight that twinkled through the clouds seamed to be absorbed by her pelt. She was thinking of her new home, Tephra. She was thinking of someone she loved, no one in particular.. maybe one day. She lifted her skull, extending her nape, nares to the sky. She breathed in deeply, there was a new body here. She lowered her skull back to a normal relaxed position as her hazel orbs scanned the terra. Off in the distance the twinkle of what looked like a crystal white stallion stood. Her pistons shook slightly beneath her heavy fresian frame.. waiting for the signal to move. Her nares sniffed the air once more.. he was not from here. She would approach with caution. Her pistons slowly moved her bodice through the grass toward the stallion. He caught her eye, his pelt color, his fame, there was something about him. She troted through the grass, her hooves digging into the terra as she moved swiftly, almost silently. Jord thought about her past, how she wanted to help her new home in recruiting new residents, as she hadn't done so yet.  She had finally reached the stallion. She hoped she would not startle him. "Why hello there.." She said, her vocals warm and comforting. She gave a peaceful smile. "My name is Jord. Who might you be?" She asked, kindly bowing her skull to show him she meant no harm. Her hazel orbs melted into his.. He was a rather handsome creature. 

    She flicked her skull in the air for a moment, knocking her ashy forelock out of her face, so he could see her gently sloping face. Jord still had a few scars on her bodice from her fall down the mountain, but was thankful she had healed rather well.. it was a long time since then after all. She smiled back up at him once more.. "Are you homeless sir?" Jord asked kindly not wanting to assume. Her nares picked up his scent in the air.. it was calming, comforting.. She couldn't keep from blushing slightly. She hoped he hadn't noticed. She stood there, still keeping the distance between them as she politely waited for a answer. She hoped she could to her new home a service and bring home this beautiful lord.
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    RE: a falling star fell from your heart; any - by Jord - 02-24-2017, 05:42 PM

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