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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  a falling star fell from your heart; any

    Time had no meaning before. It was a continuous cycle, never beginning or ending ever. There was something magical about it—a timeless feeling. In those very moments, he had felt completeness. If he knew anything about heaven he would have surely told you that is where heaven is. Heaven was among the stars, beyond the clouds and bright blue sky. It was being part of the very stars itself.

    Yet, time does have a meaning.

    There is a beginning and end for all things—good and bad. The young cremello boy learned that eventually after trying to make sense of this world once more again. Beqanna was nothing as it was before for him. There were new faces and new lands. Everything was new and the old world he knew had vanished away. The very dirt of his home, the Dale, was also gone too. However, his home had never been among this earthly place. It was along the stars and galaxies above him.

    He yearned for the stars. The boy could no longer hear their calls. It was only an empty feeling that buried deep within his heart—a black hole sucking everything into the pit of his stomach. It was sickening almost. “One day,” he tells himself. One day he will return to the stars just as he had found his way among them before.

    For now, Astrophel finds himself wrapped into understanding this world a little more than he can. He crossed over the land, covering endless miles in cold and warm weather. The boy searched for signs and ways to find himself to be brought back to the stars but there was nothing there. There was simply no way—at this moment, he hoped—to get back there.

    Astrophel muddles through his mind, thoughts scattered here and there, as he makes his way across the familiar meadow. He finds himself lingering here, especially close to the crater that he landed in when falling from the star. He thinks of the little girl often—Rora was her name—and wonders where she had gone off to. The boy had found her a curious little creature and often smiles when he thinks of her.

    So he does now, still absentmindedly wondering through the meadow. His hazel eyes gleam with contentment and a boyish grin curls up on his lips. He simple goes wherever his feet take him today. 
    character info: here | character reference: here
    [Image: ioPeFeU.png]
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    Messages In This Thread
    a falling star fell from your heart; any - by Astrophel - 02-22-2017, 07:23 PM

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