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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Take a bite...If you dare;Rhonen [Stilly & Klaudi]


    molten eyes and a smile made for war

    Rhonen follows her, taking note of many interesting places in Sylva, and pretending he isn’t straining his ears for the sound of falling water. The trees are nice, the muted light filtering down to the ground is pleasant, but it isn’t home. Not yet. The giant rocks are certainly interesting, if not a little creepy. They’d had a brief interlude with a pair of young, overly happy creatures upon his arrival but now they are alone again, and he appreciates the view of trailing behind Karaugh, with her teasing voice floating back to him.

    He does consider the nip she is expecting, but he doesn’t want to be too predictable, and so he holds himself back, watching her to mark his path. It’s dark, after all, and it would be bad for him image to trip and fall down tonight. “The view is nice,” he rumbles agreeably, not really knowing what he is walking into. She’d said ‘her cave’, but Rhonen doesn’t know what to make of that; he’s never really been a dark, dank places sort of man. Which seems like what caves usually are.

    The chestnut youth is focused mostly on Karaugh, and so he doesn’t realize that they are not alone at their destination, and he stiffens at the voices, hating that they take him by surprise. He’s had too many unpleasant surprises, for such a young adult. Sliding his eyes to Karaugh, dark and cautious, he waits a few steps back from them as he looks. A dark stallion, who welcomes him to Sylva. Dark all over, at least in the moonlight, except for strangely light eyes and a chain around one foot (that, he finds the most interesting; is his chain something like Rhonen’s seal?).

    And…a child. Even in this dim light, glowing purple from the tips of his ears to the tips of his feathered wings. The boy introduces himself and then presses up against Karaugh, and Rhonen forces himself to reevaluate. So far, he’d assumed that she was an open book, and relatively shallow, and not a little bit mean. A fitting match for the anger inside of him, at least for now. But the way she interacts with the boy says she is something more. “Ah…I’m Rhonen.” he introduces himself, trying to soften the sharpest edges of his voice for Klaudius’ benefit, and probably failing.


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    RE: Take a bite...If you dare;Rhonen [Stilly & Klaudi] - by Rhonen - 02-18-2017, 10:35 PM

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