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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    couldn't put me back together again; birthing soon, any
    He watched curiously as the man ruffled through his twin's mane, bestowing upon her such a fine and delicate name, sweet and also steely. Kylin. The boy grinned widely at him in approval, little eyes dancing as he came to lip at his forelock. Lavender and white skull bumped back at his bigger muzzle playfully, but something quickly distracted him and he froze, staring at nothing.


    A stranger's voice in his mind, so smooth and enchanting. Something entirely magical and intoxicating. Not mother's and not the man's, an echo from somewhere else, another time. He loved the sound of it, wanted to hear more. But again he was distracted, attention instantly snagged on mother rising and both babies settled in to nurse. He was oblivious to the stumbling and the snapping, only moving in once mousey mother had stilled.

    He suckled eagerly as she directed a question to the man, his little hip pressed comfortably to his sister's side. Who are you? And he suddenly wanted to share the new thing he had learned, that wonderful voice that made him want to snuggle in close and cradle someone warm. But he waited for the man to answer first, tugging more milk hurriedly and then jerked away to break in to this adult conversation.

    Lacey, he exclaimed confidently, proudly. He knew this thing, he'd heard it from the sweetest voice he'd heard yet! He was surprised to find his own voice was just as smooth, but much, much higher pitched. Still, his was beautiful too. He liked that. Bright eyes flew to mother to seek out the pride that must be there.

    Only to find she had stiffened so sharply and ducked her pretty head away from them. He turned wide and wounded eyes to Reilly, little mouth agape in astonishment. He'd done something bad! But that voice was so wonderful, how could it be bad! He was certain it had said Lacey, absolutely positive! He pressed more firmly into Kylin for comfort, so confused at this painful reaction.
    i'm just an angel thats fallen from grace
    Quotes are speech. Italics are telepathy

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    RE: couldn't put me back together again; birthing soon, any - by Kharon - 02-17-2017, 07:38 PM

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