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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    peel away the layers till you're nothing and no one; birthing, potion, wicked
    Eternal life, eternal beauty.

    Such shallow pursuits, perhaps, and yet she bequeathed it to those willing to pay its price. It did not come for free, never something for nothing and perhaps that something was only for amusement. Regardless, it was always a means to an end, whatever form that might take.

    Consider this a debt paid.

    Her sisters distaste for them all had come to light, there were no secrets kept for too long. Was it a secret even? Either way Kirin knew she had renounced their ways, thought them barbaric and uncivil and he did not need to tell Potion the punishment. Whether she had wanted it or not the vibrant feathered pegasus had been among those to receive her sisters gift, for quite some time. While she no longer reaped those benefits, Father thought Potion should have some sort of compensation, a girl must be paid.

    It was not hard to find them, the smell soaking the earth and permeating the air with life anew.  The forest clearing one of many and yet somehow, this one was quieter than others, a place of solitude. For a time.

    Potion knew there would be many and she was not wrong. One, two, three. Mind the three-fold laws, she thought with a smile curving across her pastel lips. Ah three little things she had blessed at the end of winter, three little things now she would take. Their mother dozed so peacefully among the grass, spent from her labors and Potion stood before them for a moment, watching with a considering eye. She loved her sister, let that not be lost now, in this moment of treachery. However, what you hear are lies. Love doesn't conquer all.

    “You knew this would come,” she whispered, lowering her maw to her sisters velvet ear. Her lavender lips nearly touching the soft taper of their zenith.

    “Come my dears,” she called to the children, and though the smallest was hardly more than ordinary she would have him too. There was to be no mercy, no half payments or collections. All or nothing.
    [..we ain't never gettin' older..]

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    RE: peel away the layers till you're nothing and no one; birthing, potion, wicked - by Potion|Ecco - 02-09-2017, 10:57 AM

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