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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    this brilliant light is brighter than we've known; dovev
    She was gone.
    She was never coming back, was she?

    She didn't want him, didn't want their child. She'd played him for a fool, and he'd believed it easily. Willingly. Because she'd never lied to him before. He thought she'd wanted them. He thought she'd taken him back, forgiven his memory loss and his absence. But she never came back, never came home. Never truly cared.

    Did she want him to have others then, was that it? She wanted him to fixate on someone else? Didn't want his love anymore?

    That's when the lights came to life, bobbing and glowing softly over the water running through the forest and snagging his furious attention. He'd avoided the place where he'd lost Leliana; didn't want to remember the heat finally reaching her eyes, the touch of her skin against his lips, the taste of her. The loss of her. She wouldn't be a part of what he would do tonight to this star mage. Safely tucked away and shoved from his mind.

    But Cerva. Cerva remained. Because whatever happened, this was her fault.

    He stalked closer, a fierce wildness in his eyes. A dark purpose. Stealth was never something he felt the need to learn, but she was so absorbed in her thoughts he didn't think she was aware of the danger swiftly approaching. He bared his teeth and launched himself at her, latching onto the muscle in her slender neck and tearing away. Blood immediately rushed to the surface, spilled over with as much perfect grace as she'd had just a moment before. Slick, and slow and sweet.

    He set himself next to her, arching over her smaller body to grip her opposite shoulder and thrust her forcefully against his side. Then he held her there, immovable and unyielding, letting her see how useless attempts to escape him would be, how futile her struggling would be. Her blood coated him where he pressed her to him, but he hardly noticed. When he was confident she got the message, he slowly released that iron-tight grip and drew his muzzle carefully along her neck like an attentive lover.

    There is worse to come if you try to run, he promised in a hot whisper, placing a sweet kiss behind her ear. He could smell another on her, lathered all across her in a blatant claim of territory, but not recent enough that he thought she might have a rescue. Perhaps he should let her live, then. Let it be a message not to let her out of her lover's sight if he was so intent on his claim. He certainly never would have, had his memory of Cerva remained in tact. Nobody would have ever touched her, ever. Only him.

    What kind of man bathes you so entirely in his scent, but doesn't take you, doesn't keep you? he asked quietly, drawing his mouth along her neck and plucking his teeth at her jaw. A light sting, a sweet coaxing to her nerves. What kind of man lets you out of his sight if he truly wants you? He kissed at her throat, slow and sensual, as though they had always been secret lovers and he was merely reminding her which one she really cared for. Remember me? his touches said to a stranger. I remember you.

    He's not good enough for you. I will show you what it's like to be wanted.


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    RE: this brilliant light is brighter than we've known; dovev - by Dovev - 02-08-2017, 03:58 PM

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