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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    runnin' away to the riptide; Aranea & Any
    lady, runnin' away to the riptide
    taken away to the dark side

    She averts her gray eyes from the clear affection between them, feeling almost intrusive, but yet glad to see something so basically good here in this place so early on. It spoke highly of his character, Sloene thinks, that he holds Aranea in high regard and affection. A place cannot be intrinsically bad if its people are so good. When he gestures to a path, invites them to walk as he talks, she gives a nod and follows, listening with one ear turned towards Magnus as she looks all around them, wanting to see everything.

    He lists the Kingdoms that came together after the Reckoning and she cuts her gaze to him for a moment, considering. The Tundra was often a Neutral, but to hear that the Chamber, Valley, and Gates had come together in such a way surprises her. She had never been part of a Kingdom, but details and histories of each of them had been part of their education in Nera and Branka’s herd; she had wanted them to go on to greater, better things. Sloene wonders if any of those other foals had made anything special of themselves, and where they are now.

    Good personal relationships hadn’t been something she’d come away with. She was too unlike them, and she had been taught to blend and watch, not to stand out, and the rest of the star-children had been so dynamic. They stop at the base of the volcano that towers into the sky and she settles once more next to Aranea, looking up at the mount of the mountain where it disappears into the clouds. When she lowers her gaze to them again, Sloene grins, quicksilver joy flashing in her eyes. “It sounds wonderful,” she speaks, “I guess I only have two questions. First, may I stay? Second, how can I serve Tephra best?”

    She has surmised from the way he speaks that he must be high-ranking in the Kingdom. He does not speak, or more, or act like an underling. He hasn’t said as much, which only makes her approve more, because he does not have to posture and preens to have an aura of confidence, of authority. Sloene knows she could serve reasonably well in a diplomatic capacity, perhaps hold her own in some lower level fights, but a part of her looks for more. For something specific she can do, or learn, or strive for. If she can find that here, perhaps she will come to love it in the way that so many have always spoken of their beloved Kingdoms to her.

    I've got a lump in my throat
    cause you're gonna sing the words wrong

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    RE: runnin' away to the riptide; Aranea & Any - by Sloene - 02-06-2017, 09:20 PM

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