break some bread for all my sins
As their pleasantries come to an end and the topic of conversation shifts to something more diplomatic, Dahmer draws back more so that he may observe Magnus. Though, admittedly, he does get distracted.
Karaugh saunters by after another moment, that grin still playing at her face. The black beast nearly laughs. He is intrigued by the way their visit to Sylva has unfolded, and who is he to refuse an offer to tour the territory of a potential ally? Blue eyes flick to his buckskin King but he remains silent for a moment to assess the situation.
He would not usually leave Magnus alone, but they had been quite well received here in Sylva, and Dahmer feels a bit more at ease with the idea of separating momentarily. "Please call for me when you are ready to leave for Tephra?" He watches the buckskin , awaiting his answer before turning to Djinni. Dahmer smiles at her warmly and nods his dark head, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Djinni. May we cross paths soon."
He follows in Karaugh's wake, disappearing into the trees.
+ notes ♥