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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    this brilliant light is brighter than we've known; stillwater
    He loved the way she couldn't hold his gaze for long. This thing between them grew, glared so brightly it blinded her and forced her face from his. But for that moment, her eyes would glitter with wonder. They would shine with eager uncertainty and her breath would halt in her breast. It made him want to whisper her name again, gently guide her over that teetering edge to so many things unknown to her. She is a child, he tried to remind himself. But it was useless, dashed away and unheeded like the rest of his problems. It didn't matter just then, and so it was ignored.

    "It doesn't feel like nothing," she responded, but he didn't think she spoke of his captivity any longer, standing there with that look in her eyes. Stillwater? she asked in a whisper as he pressed his lips to her cheek, uncertainty gliding across her face. Her warmth glowed beneath his gentle touch like a halo, his careful stoking of embers she didn't know she had, though it was unintentional. Stillwater.. she breathed, a little more sure as he brushed the hair from her face. Each time his name slid passed her lips, he too grew more certain; certain he should stop, certain he didn't want to, certain he should not let her leave, certain he should not let her stay.

    Certain that he wanted her to.

    It was not surprising for her to be drawn to him. It was expected, even. He was made unnaturally attractive to lure them in, to make them crave his touch of death. Be wary of handsome strangers, they used to say. Be wary of still water. The truth lie before them, and yet they were oblivious to it. Heedless to the warnings. Unaware of the danger that kissed their necks so sweetly. His lure coiled around her, too, just the same. Just as expected.

    But unexpected were the quiet stirrings within himself.
    He looked at her, and did not think of killing her.
    He looked at her, and thought of protecting her. Treasuring her. A foreign concept to him. Unnatural and unreal. He was a solitary creature. He ventures to feed, he returns to his darkness. It had always been that way.

    It should frighten him. It should anger him. He should be throwing her away from him, as he had done with Nayl, not pulling her in closer as he offered his home to her, his bed to her. Stillwater, she whispered again, sliding in closer, tucking herself beneath his chin and against his hard chest. Karaugh had done something similar, the thought rippled faintly across the surface of his mind, but he didn't even think of taking her the same way.

    Her lips traced delicately along his skin and his breath lodged in his throat. He was helpless to simply watch her, his pulse ticking a little swifter as he drew in this new experience, soaked it deeply into his soul. Djinni had touched him, shallow and almost friendly. Karaugh had raked herself against him, possessive and taunting. Nayl would not even make the barest contact. Carli saw him as a conquest, a game. But Luster..

    Luster touched with honest affection for him. She was the only one to do so. Perhaps the only one to feel that way.

    "I'd rather stay with you."
    Her truth sang to him. Of course she would, but this time it was not because of his attraction. This time someone actually meant it. That would change one day, her affection would change when she learned more of him, but for tonight it was perfect and true. She moved to disengage their embrace, but he pulled her back in. He wasn't ready to let this go, to let her go. His heart thundered hard but steady against her. Certain.

    "I don't want to sleep just yet."
    Good, neither did he.
    Luster, he whispered softly, but he immediately forgot what he was going to say, lost in the feel of her again.
    I have to leave in the morning, she said quietly. He tensed, and then he did pull away from her then, slowly, painfully. This whole thing was so temporary, wasn't it? Of course it was, they were all temporary for him. Always. They only lived long enough until he decided otherwise.

    "You called me starshine," she pointed out with a faint smile. His solemn quiet eased a little as he pressed a smile to his lips. Temporary, but perfect. You caught me, he said lightly, his heart heavy.

    Come home with me, he said, coming to brush his mouth across her cheek again. Come home, and we will stay awake. He was genuine and sweet, without secret agendas or hidden innuendos. They could sink into his dark hollow, listen to the trickle of a spring or just talk. Whatever she wanted. She would be gone by morning, and maybe she would never be back. It was best that way.

    Best that he was a happy memory.
    handsome stranger..
    Not a nightmare. Not a warning.
    still water..

    Come home, Luster, he said one last time, finally turning to guide her up the slope behind them, only a short number of paces from the hidden slit between large boulders. His lips pressed to her shoulder, his cooled eyes held hers. He offered her the den of a secret prisoner king.
    come down to the black sea swimming with me
    go down with me, fall with me, lets make it worth it

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: this brilliant light is brighter than we've known; stillwater - by Stillwater - 01-29-2017, 01:26 PM

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