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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Curiosity Got the Best of Her; Any
    Someday, Circinae’s impatience to wait on things might get her into trouble. Someday. This time, however, her efforts are rewarded with the drowsy arousal of the sleeping beauty. The chestnut-splashed-white is actually amusing to watch as she comes to, disbelief muddling her eyes while fear contorts her face. In the span of a few minutes though, curiosity overcomes Circy’s new companion and her soft, pink nose extends to probe the air around the mahogany she-wolf, giving Circinae the opportunity she’d been waiting for since she’d stumbled across this lone horse in the first place. With a quiet yip, the wolf extends her own nose to precariously bump against the soft flesh of her counterpart.

    “Hello …” The mare offers unsteadily, but the wolf has already closed her eyes and she’s thinking, thinking, thinking about what it feels like to be horse again. She lets the smell of the tobiano wash over her, settle deeply into her mind. “Focus.” She can hear her father saying, “Look within, find the strands that are woven together, wolf and horse.” So intense is her concentration that the girl doesn’t seem to notice that she’s being spoken to. “Wolf and horse, wolf and horse, wolf … and … horse.” She repeats to herself, struggling until a fine sweat breaks over her and a faint popping sound can be heard.

    With a low snarl her brown head jerks sideways, neck twisting and stretching. Her eyes are forcibly squeezed shut now, and the pain comes sharply as she leaps to her feet and transforms. Skin stretches and changes colors, toes melt together and solidify, her snout elongates and she outright moans while the process completes itself in a matter of seconds.

    Fully horse again, Circinae pants and opens her eyes to find the world changed and the chestnut mare where she left her - on the ground. A weak laugh erupts from her lips, followed by a “Sorry.” Her belly is soaked, but she looks wholly like herself once more (green fur and all). “I didn’t startle you too badly, did I?”
    I need the crack of a whip, I need some blood in the cut
    HTML by Call

    Messages In This Thread
    Curiosity Got the Best of Her; Any - by Penryn - 01-23-2017, 09:00 PM
    RE: Curiosity Got the Best of Her; Any - by Circinae - 01-24-2017, 11:20 PM
    RE: Curiosity Got the Best of Her; Any - by Penryn - 01-26-2017, 01:34 PM
    RE: Curiosity Got the Best of Her; Any - by Circinae - 01-26-2017, 03:51 PM

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