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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    fault lines tremble underneath my glass house; shahrizai

    all things are possible,
    even the worst of things

    In his eyes, she is quite possibly the most perfect creature in existence. She had been his light when he had needed her most, when his world had been the darkest. When he had lost everyone else, she had been there.

    And she knows him better than he knows himself, knows what he needs before he does. Sometimes he wishes he could be everything for her that she has been for him. But for the rest of his life, he would try.

    He would not betray her, would not abandon her, would not hurt her - not for the world.

    Sometimes, I love you does not seem nearly enough to encompass all that he feels. Such a trite phrase to express the depths of his emotions. But it is all he has, and he would say it a hundred times a day if he must.

    A smile curls the corners of his lips as her dark gold eyes crinkle in response to his his simple musing. He chuckles then, a soft, rich sound that emanates from his chest. ”Yes,” he murmurs in a humored accent as their eyes meet. ”Very reasonable.”

    As her velvety muzzle places a gently kiss against the hollow above his lips, his smile softens, turning almost sappy. But then, he'd always been a bit sappy with her.

    As she curls against his chest, he sighs in utter contentment. The moment is so perfect, he finds himself wishing it might last forever. Alas, nothing is forever, as he too well knows. Even so, he would take his joys where he might.

    When she finally breaks away from him, following the warm light of the oncoming spring, his gaze follows her automatically. His steps shortly follow suit. When once more stands beside her, he closes his eyes briefly as the light hits him, warming his dark skin. The budding scent of spring, of crisp snowmelt and earthy mud, fills his nostrils, and he breathes deep.

    The grin is back on his lips as he once more meets Ilka’s gaze, his own deep brown eyes crinkling in delight. ”Let's,” he says eagerly as he steps forward, nose brushing her shoulder affectionately as he does so.

    Who knows, in this new, strange world. Perhaps they would find their missing children. It would bring him incredible joy to see their faces once more.


    hestoni x scorch


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    RE: fault lines tremble underneath my glass house; shahrizai - by Shahrizai - 01-25-2017, 07:22 PM

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