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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    She stole his breath again, driving him back into desire as her teeth pulled at the corner of his mouth. His heartbeat soared instantly. His head turned naturally to complete it with a real kiss, so gladly stolen. Mine..

    The embers burned a little hotter, breath a little shorter, but her voice soothed them back down again. They held their faces together, the contact sending waves of calm into him, gradually cooling his swift infernos. She brought him up, tore him back down. His emotions danced to her song, all control slipped from his grasp. It was terrifying. Yet he loved it. Yet he hated it.

    Her wings pulled to his side, stroking bone and sunken flesh alike. Once again she threw fuel into him, her touch a craving he'd never sate. "I have barely slept." She slid forward, her chest pressing to his. He breathed her in again. As she lay her head on his back, he mirrored her, but with a bite to the base of her neck. He growled low, slowly losing the calm she pressed into him. "I spend most nights thinking of you."

    Not like he did.
    Nothing like his thoughts of her.
    Nothing like what was spreading through him now.

    "I didn't think that you'd want me to come find you again. Or I would have been there, every night."
    He desired for that too. So badly. He moaned and pulled back, retreating from her embrace, from her intoxicating touch.
    Leliana.. he said, husky and deep with a warning in the dark tone of it. He shook his head slowly, then opened his eyes to meet hers. Fire still caged, but so bright, so close to burning its way out.

    I meant it before. You can't touch me.. Regret and longing, both. More than anything he wanted her to touch him. He was powerful, but his darkness was so much stronger. The feel of her returning his affections, even innocently, pulled it closer to the surface. Ever closer. There was only so much he could take before it took over. How was he supposed to explain to her.. that he was not a good guy. Not even close. That he takes what he wants, and she is the anomaly. She is the only one saved from it.

    But it was temporary. It was so tightly reined in, so hard to do it. So hard to hold it. So he swallowed, and tried to warn her without turning her away from him forever.

    I can't- it broke off into a hum, his eyes closing, delightful images flashing in his mind of things he'd meant to warn her from. Even now he'd rather just go to her, show her what she didn't know. The terrible things, the wickedly wonderful things. He forced slow breaths, pinned his eyes open and locked on her soft russet gaze. Look at her. I don't want to lose her, do I?

    Your touch unravels me, he said low, lamely, afraid it wasn't enough. It didn't tell her what lay beneath the surface. It didn't tell her the danger she danced with each time they met. You undo me. It's not a good thing. He wasn't making sense, was he? He didn't know how to explain it. And he'd so badly prefer showing her instead.

    But he could still touch her. He could still do as he had that first day and try to awaken her senses to him. Try to make her feel their contact as intensely as he did. He definitely wanted that.

    He stepped purposefully into her again. His lips grazed the line of her face, brushing lightly over her eyes, to her jaw, to her throat. So soft there, so sensitive. He followed it beneath, gently pushed her chin up as he kissed her tender skin with lips and tongue. He tasted her, savored her, ached for more. He nipped lightly, a lone little sting, and the slow kisses continued around to the side, just below her jaw. His breath heated against the dampness of his kisses.

    Leliana, he breathed her name like a plea. Damn and he loved to say it.
    Light for me..


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    leliana - by Dovev - 01-22-2017, 12:34 AM
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    RE: leliana - by Dovev - 01-22-2017, 02:08 AM
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    RE: leliana - by Dovev - 01-23-2017, 02:32 AM
    RE: leliana - by leliana - 01-23-2017, 03:19 AM

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