He hardly expected his fragile little beached whale to launch up at him. A malicious grin curls up upon his lips, as her teeth clamp beneath his wickedly handsome jawline. And when she turns around to lash out at him once more he snaps at her rump yanking flesh off of her body like a vulture pecking away at a carcass. And with a hyena like cackle, he continues to circle her his predatory instincts heightened. He knows what she's capable of, she's her father's daughter, and that blood pulsates through every vein in her body. She is more then capable of taking down, any ol' equine but what she doesn't know is that it's much harder to take down someone who isn't visible.
He cloaks himself, as she speaks, remaining light-footed he barely creates tracks in the obsidian sand. And as she rants, about dolphins and sharks.... and what's this? Her family? Her porpoise family. And when she speaks of her pod he bursts out laughing, "Oh little sister. You forget, your all alone in this world." He allows himself to flicker in and out of sight just for a moment. "For if the dolphin is without her pod, her family. Then the shark has the advantage, for he is more ruthless and relentless. A silent killer." He lashes out at her once more, yanking flesh from her body with ease and then he's out of sight.
"So love, if you insist. I am the shark. And you sister, are the vulnerable podless dolphin." He grins, licking the blood from his lips, as he continues to circle. Still concealed, still silent. "Careful now sister... for there are ears in the trees." He pauses, allowing himself to stop in place, allowing his crimson iris's to become visible. "Now I will not repeat myself, what is your purpose here?"
He cloaks himself, as she speaks, remaining light-footed he barely creates tracks in the obsidian sand. And as she rants, about dolphins and sharks.... and what's this? Her family? Her porpoise family. And when she speaks of her pod he bursts out laughing, "Oh little sister. You forget, your all alone in this world." He allows himself to flicker in and out of sight just for a moment. "For if the dolphin is without her pod, her family. Then the shark has the advantage, for he is more ruthless and relentless. A silent killer." He lashes out at her once more, yanking flesh from her body with ease and then he's out of sight.
"So love, if you insist. I am the shark. And you sister, are the vulnerable podless dolphin." He grins, licking the blood from his lips, as he continues to circle. Still concealed, still silent. "Careful now sister... for there are ears in the trees." He pauses, allowing himself to stop in place, allowing his crimson iris's to become visible. "Now I will not repeat myself, what is your purpose here?"
He's So Bad, But he Does It So Well
Ughh I'm so sorry for this crap :|