Her wings blanketed them again, like that first day. Why had he walked away then? He couldn't remember.
Damn, but he couldn't stop touching her. She was the source of everything he needed, and he was a starving man. Touches, kisses, nuzzles- she received them all constantly. He couldn't help himself, he couldn't stop himself. He tried to rein back, but it only flared brighter within him and demanded more. More, not less.
Just a lot more.
"Perhaps I should leave then," she teased, "if you are going to see me when I am gone anyway." Her lips found the spot of blue, and he exhaled a shuddering breath. His breathing was quickening again. No matter how hard he fought, it kept coming back. She kept bringing it back. She was doing this to him. A drug to him, a desperate need. It was going to be so hard to let her go. He didn't want to. Could he even breathe without her anymore?
"Should I not let you touch me?" she asked, so innocent, so inexperienced. He moaned quietly against her throat. You should definitely let me touch you. Me, only me. Only me, Leliana. But he stiffened, and pulled back. She couldn't possibly want him and only him. Him. Bony, frail, ugly. And the darkness she still had yet to find. The darkness she couldn't light with that smile. She deserved better, she would want better. His head shook just barely, and he amended it in a low whisper. For tonight, only me.
She laughed at his bite, and he smiled against her as she returned it, lingering near his ear. When she spoke again, her warm voice vibrated, further awakening his desire for her. Pleasant, she called it. Oh, he could show her pleasant. He could teach her more than pleasant. He should, too. He should.
Her touch stole his breath away. She didn't even hesitate to explore the ridges of bone on his face, the sunken skin -everything that made him so disfigured. So unattractive. Her open reaching stoked the hot fires in him, and he strangled another moan. It was so hard to hold on when she touched him back. So hard to fight it back down, stamp it back out to a safe warmth. "Should I not touch you?"
Of course he wanted to tell her yes. Of course it sat ready on his tongue, eager to say it, eager to demand it. Yes, touch me. Oh God, yes, touch me. But he closed his eyes and bit his lip, focused on calming his erratic breathing as he shook his head no. There was only so much he could take before the dams burst, before he was taking everything, stealing more from her. Her touch unraveled him.
When he opened his burning eyes, he leaned and pushed her down, hovered over her as he had before. Damn, she was so beautiful. This time, though, his kisses were not slow and sweet as he dipped his head to her. This time he hungered, tasting her skin with lips and tongue, teeth grazing against her. Fevered, hot. Needing. He left stinging little bites down her neck, his blood roaring for more as he forced himself to pause. No.. No. Ragged breaths huffed against her as he lingered at her breast, once again trying to calm himself. So close to just letting go. Just let go and damn the consequences.
He rumbled low in his throat, growling at himself before silencing it with more kisses. His trail back to her face was carefully tender, controlled. Gradual. He explored her more slowly, lipped sweetly at her throat, kissed her jaw. When he got to her cheek, he sighed against it. You do this to me, he wanted to say, but couldn't. You make me crazy with need only you can sate.
He couldn't find his voice, could only feel a bottomless well of desire that threatened to spill over.
Damn, but he couldn't stop touching her. She was the source of everything he needed, and he was a starving man. Touches, kisses, nuzzles- she received them all constantly. He couldn't help himself, he couldn't stop himself. He tried to rein back, but it only flared brighter within him and demanded more. More, not less.
Just a lot more.
"Perhaps I should leave then," she teased, "if you are going to see me when I am gone anyway." Her lips found the spot of blue, and he exhaled a shuddering breath. His breathing was quickening again. No matter how hard he fought, it kept coming back. She kept bringing it back. She was doing this to him. A drug to him, a desperate need. It was going to be so hard to let her go. He didn't want to. Could he even breathe without her anymore?
"Should I not let you touch me?" she asked, so innocent, so inexperienced. He moaned quietly against her throat. You should definitely let me touch you. Me, only me. Only me, Leliana. But he stiffened, and pulled back. She couldn't possibly want him and only him. Him. Bony, frail, ugly. And the darkness she still had yet to find. The darkness she couldn't light with that smile. She deserved better, she would want better. His head shook just barely, and he amended it in a low whisper. For tonight, only me.
She laughed at his bite, and he smiled against her as she returned it, lingering near his ear. When she spoke again, her warm voice vibrated, further awakening his desire for her. Pleasant, she called it. Oh, he could show her pleasant. He could teach her more than pleasant. He should, too. He should.
Her touch stole his breath away. She didn't even hesitate to explore the ridges of bone on his face, the sunken skin -everything that made him so disfigured. So unattractive. Her open reaching stoked the hot fires in him, and he strangled another moan. It was so hard to hold on when she touched him back. So hard to fight it back down, stamp it back out to a safe warmth. "Should I not touch you?"
Of course he wanted to tell her yes. Of course it sat ready on his tongue, eager to say it, eager to demand it. Yes, touch me. Oh God, yes, touch me. But he closed his eyes and bit his lip, focused on calming his erratic breathing as he shook his head no. There was only so much he could take before the dams burst, before he was taking everything, stealing more from her. Her touch unraveled him.
When he opened his burning eyes, he leaned and pushed her down, hovered over her as he had before. Damn, she was so beautiful. This time, though, his kisses were not slow and sweet as he dipped his head to her. This time he hungered, tasting her skin with lips and tongue, teeth grazing against her. Fevered, hot. Needing. He left stinging little bites down her neck, his blood roaring for more as he forced himself to pause. No.. No. Ragged breaths huffed against her as he lingered at her breast, once again trying to calm himself. So close to just letting go. Just let go and damn the consequences.
He rumbled low in his throat, growling at himself before silencing it with more kisses. His trail back to her face was carefully tender, controlled. Gradual. He explored her more slowly, lipped sweetly at her throat, kissed her jaw. When he got to her cheek, he sighed against it. You do this to me, he wanted to say, but couldn't. You make me crazy with need only you can sate.
He couldn't find his voice, could only feel a bottomless well of desire that threatened to spill over.