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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    it's still my heart to sell; dovev
    He had always been controlling, even forceful, and so he couldn't say if he would have let her leave had she declined. He'd like to think so, but his was such a dark and selfish heart. She was here for a reason, wasn't she? She had come alone, not with a guardian or mob of brothers. She had come for more, and he intended to give it. He intended to take it.

    On that day, their first day, she had tolerated his touch. Accepted it. Now as he pressed to her, she returned it with her own embrace. He tensed in surprise, not expecting it despite having wanted it so badly. He stayed that way, locked tight in place, even as she told him she missed him. They barely knew each other, but she'd missed him. His gaze slipped away when she said she still didn't know his name. He still didn't want her to know it, hear the darkness of it.

    "But none of that matters," she touched his cheek and his eyes slid closed. "Because I still missed you."

    Her words were powerful, plunging deep within him to seed new emotions he didn't have names for. Didn't understand. And she didn't even know him, not truly. He hoped she never would. He kept his eyes closed, guarding it from her. There was only so much she would be able to accept before turning away from him forever. And he wasn't ready for that. He still needed her.

    His heart soared when she accepted his offer to stay, his plea to stay with him. Just for a while, maybe not even the full night. Yes, with he, the dark and foul. The wicked and vicious. But he wasn't that to her. He was someone else entirely for her. How long could he play this ruse that felt so damn real? She changed him, subdued him. He'd pushed himself on her before, and now he was asking. Begging. What had she done to him?

    She moved closer, breast pressing to his, curling her head to rest on his spine. He breathed slow, though his heartbeat quickened. She held him that way, and slowly the tension began melting from him again. He still felt uneasy, unsure of what this was becoming. What it all meant.

    Then she was lining his bony back, her wings shifting again to match him. He shook his head but his voice was lost behind the lump in his throat. She shouldn't wear his grotesque disfigurement. She was beautiful. She deserved better. But it only held briefly, before changing again. He still doubted if she could control it, so he said nothing.

    Then -oh, God, then- her perfect lips drew patterns in his black coat, sweeping so sweetly across his flesh in a trail of fire. He inhaled a quiet gasp of pleasure, head ducking as if that could hide it, skin twitching beneath her touch. No, she definitely had not returned his attention this way before. He could barely breathe. His heart hammered against him.

    "Is this a dream?"
    He pulled out of her touch, backing up to push his cheek to hers.
    If it is, never wake me.
    Tenderly, he kissed her cheek, coaxed her further into the darkness of home as he backed up slowly. Into the privacy, the safety, the place that had always been just him alone. But now would have her too, together.

    Come, Leliana, he whispered, retreating further, bringing her further. Stay with me. She had already said she would, but he just needed to speak. Let her hear the want deepening his voice with need. Let her know how badly he needed her to stay. By the time they were submerged in the dark, dancing ambient light reflecting over them like a weakened moon, his breaths were shallow. Quick. Aching.

    He stepped into her chest again, hugging her close as they had done just moments before. He only held her, trying to control his breathing, calm the wild storm brewing within him. His heart raced against her skin. He swallowed, body taut once again. He could control this, he would control it. His dark face turned, and he whispered into her hair.

    Dovev.. my name is Dovev.


    Messages In This Thread
    it's still my heart to sell; dovev - by leliana - 01-18-2017, 01:04 AM
    RE: it's still my heart to sell; dovev - by Dovev - 01-18-2017, 04:05 PM
    RE: it's still my heart to sell; dovev - by Dovev - 01-19-2017, 10:14 AM
    RE: it's still my heart to sell; dovev - by Dovev - 01-19-2017, 12:14 PM
    RE: it's still my heart to sell; dovev - by Dovev - 01-20-2017, 12:00 AM
    RE: it's still my heart to sell; dovev - by Dovev - 01-20-2017, 01:05 AM
    RE: it's still my heart to sell; dovev - by Dovev - 01-20-2017, 08:46 AM
    RE: it's still my heart to sell; dovev - by Dovev - 01-21-2017, 10:29 AM
    RE: it's still my heart to sell; dovev - by Dovev - 01-21-2017, 06:01 PM
    RE: it's still my heart to sell; dovev - by Dovev - 01-21-2017, 09:48 PM

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