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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Goddess scorned is a Valkyrie born (any)

    Silence was violent as every second acquainted brasher emotions along the edges of my company’s profile. It was endearing, my awe soaking up every precious detail. The creature wore it well - sweetly sinking into its every contour. However, my afflictions ended with observation - from where its feels influenced was little concern to the fickle soul the endured me. It lacked the ability to carve into the sensation of others.

    My understandings were partial to a more physical scrutiny. The shift of my blackly heaviness was the only indication of my progression to attain just that; a broader perspective now available to my blackish eyes. A succession of a womanly voice reached me, but, the result of my movement had not completed nor was it delayed as I crept to the creature’s side; my lips falling into it, following the same edges my sight had devoured moments ago.There was no taste that could envelop my tongue, yet, I perceived its every hair that fell victim between my galled fangs. Its every cluster that pulled for release.

    There was a halo of decay that succeeded me as I completed my tread around this company. Without another step, my night receded my material presence in an effortless way

    “She only calls few of us …”

    There was a radical change in how my words manifested, each one softly dripped - suppled with the topic of my darling night.

    “You humor me, company.” I dared a step forward, revisiting a closeness with the other. “Would I be mistaken that you are simply seeking out your own kind?”

    My company’s riddles stirred a thrill, yet, I could not indulge with the allegation of being the remains of my beloved night. The meaning was taken literally, causing my mood to respectfully decay with the vile that breed inside me.

    “Nothing is perception, I could be anything you want me to be.”

    My neck descended my mouth just beneath the lobe of the creature’s ear. A blackly thick fluid crept from my lips, smothering against the other during the seconds I remained still. For sheer excitement - my teeth clasped this tight area of flesh, quickly slipping from the lubrication of my death.

    That same moist gleam of death filled my eyes that now infected the woman before me.

    “But, can you feel nothing?”

    Provoked by the irony, a grin lurked to the corners of my lips.

    V E | I S

    My life is full of longing, but for what I'll never know. I've been drawn into the fire as I reap what I sow..


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    RE: The Goddess scorned is a Valkyrie born (any) - by velis - 01-17-2017, 11:03 PM

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