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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Do something.
    He had seen them together. Once, a long time ago. Or it felt like a long time ago. Several months had flown by. He'd long lost track of time. His Dovev. With her. Sharing intimate moments. Crossing the line from mother and son to mates. He'd seen with his own eyes when he'd come in search of the jet black stallion with bits of starry sky in his coat. He had craved his company once more after that first time they'd had together. Each others' first times. Zoryn could still feel him. Feel his lips on his skin, the piercing bites, the kicks to his chest. That moment when he pressed himself to Zor's hind end. Lifted and straddled him....

    It'd been such blinding pleasure-pain. After they'd parted, Zoryn had let him go. He'd remained behind with his sister. To finish sating the intense desire that they'd begun. When he woke in the morning, it was his sister's face he'd seen. Dizzy. He loves her so. Always would. But this thing that had sparked to insane life between he and the other boy... it had been something worth exploring. At least for him. So he'd thought. And then he'd found Dovev. With her. Nuzzling, close. Too close. He'd stood far back, at a long distance, and watched. Seething, but frozen. His first. Both of their firsts. But just like that, as though Zoryn had meant nothing to him, he'd lain with her.

    It'd burned so hot in him. Rage. Jealousy. Hurt. A whole new level of pain. This pain, he did not find any pleasure. He couldn't stand to see them. The very moment Dovev rose over her, just as he had with him. Zoryn turned and fled. Ran. As fast as he could, as far as he could. He didn't see what was in front of him in his path, the tears too hot. Like his eyes had melted from their sockets. He ran until his lungs burned, his heart pumping too hard, as though they would all explode in his chest. He ran into the forest, uncaring when his body grazed the trees, snagged on thorns, crashed into low hanging branches. It was all better than the hurt inside him. Did he really mean nothing to the other male? It wasn't enough to know he was nothing before. Is nothing. But to know he'd opened himself up to him, let himself be claimed by him. Only to see the things he saw.

    He ran, he bled. He went back to his sister. Let Disastardly try to put the pieces back together for him. Time passed. Zoryn grew colder. Dizzy told him he'd be back. But he'd never returned. She was there for him. He'd accepted her for all she was worth to him, as only she could. Zor'd had hopes for otherwise, but it'd bled out from his wounds. Seeped and scathed. Burned like poison from his veins. It couldn't be. What they had. Too perfect, too hot, too... everything. Dizzy told him to leave it alone. But he couldn't. Wouldn't. He'd left it alone for a while. So much time had passed, but he'd never forgot. His body remembers. He remembers. Would always remember. If only the same could be returned. It wasn't, though. After such a long, dreadful time, he searched and he found the man. Changed. All changed. Different, but the same. Same scent, same spot just behind the he corner of his lips, same eyes. But the rest was all different. And he'd forgotten all about him. However, he refused to believe it was on purpose. There was something so incredibly off about the way he didn't remember him at all. But he would make him. He would know him, just as Zoryn would always know Dovev. He would see that the same was done for him. Whatever it took.


    Time had passed, and Zoryn had healed. He now understands that Dovev could not just be his. He must share him, and that must be okay. But he would seek the man out when he needed him most. Make sure he remembers. Rekindle the flame that never fully died. Not in him.

    Walking across the meadow this morning, the dun tobiano freezes when he sees her. Her. Standing alone on the plains, looking so sad and.. alone. Her belly, though, much wider and larger than he'd last seen. Zoryn is young, but not so naive to think that it is from engorging herself on all things food. She carries the very thing that he could not. Something alive and bonded. To her. To him. But not Zor. Never him. The beast wants him to act, to attack. But he won't. Not this time. For once, Zoryn inwardly roundhouse kicks the demon into its cage and locks it away. He inhales deep the crisp air of the late winter morning, and he approaches her. Calmly. No malintent. Only the dark and subtle promise. Of what? Well..

    Her expression is seemingly blank when he reaches her. The wheels seem to be turning double-time behind those lovely eyes of hers. "So sad this morning, dove. Feeling regrets?" He tries his best to have the most sincere empathetic expression he can muster. Tamp down the remnants of burning jealousy that dares to cause the edge of his lip to tug upward. She is lovely, he must admit. Up close now, Zoryn can see what his dark companion sees in her. And even as the beast had roared with him locking it away, now it sits silently- watching and waiting, but quiet. His shoulders roll as he rounds the petite bay frame of the mare, with that belly looking ready to burst any minute. He comes to stand parallel to her, with a tree between them, leaned casually against the trunk. Staring straight ahead, at nothing in particular, he addresses her again. "Care to share what has you so deep in thought?" Doesn't feel so good to be forgotten, does it, dove?

    I imagine this isn't too far behind the thread with Zor, Dov and Auroraelis. So wouldn't be too far of a stretch if she smells him on him. But I'm good with however you want to play this out Smile

    Messages In This Thread
    zoryn; - by Cerva - 01-15-2017, 05:57 PM
    RE: zoryn; - by Zoryn - 01-17-2017, 12:52 AM
    RE: zoryn; - by Cerva - 01-17-2017, 08:18 PM

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