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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    fault lines tremble underneath my glass house; shahrizai

    all things are possible,
    even the worst of things

    The world has finally settled and everything is once again right. So incredibly, perfectly right. Sometimes he wonders if this can possibly last, but he refuses to dull the perfection of this new life they have built for themselves with ghosts of the past.

    His family has grown so much, and perhaps they are currently far flung, but a piece of him knows they are all well. Knows they are out their, living, thriving. He misses them, but eventually their paths would once again cross. He is a patient man. And with Ilka by his side, he would happily wait forever.

    This small glen in the midst of the forest has served as their home since their youngest daughter had begun to swell inside Ilka’s belly. He has been so happy here, would gladly spend their days with just themselves and their children. And without the shadows constantly swirling about him as a reminder of terrible days (and even more terrible deeds), he can pretend, even if just for a while, that everything is normal. That everything is as it once had been, back before the world had skewed sideways.

    With the early morning sun filtering through the late winter trees, they stand amidst the rays. Shah basks in the glow, in the warmth of Ilka’s love, of they love they share for their children. Dark eyes watch the small roaned filly slip away into the trees, off the find a new adventure. Despite this being the fourth child they have brought into the world together, he finds his worry has never dimmed. Though he recognizes the need to allow them their freedom, a part of him struggles not to follow every time he watches them walk away.

    He and Ilka share that, it seems. With a soft sigh, he presses into her touch. He would never tire of having her close, of her touch, of hearing her soft, familiar voice. ”One day,” he says in response, a faint trace of humor edging his tone.

    He does not believe it either.

    He can feel the way her eyes trace his features, drawing his gaze to her. He offers her a small grin, one that contains hints of the Shahrizai who had existed once, long ago. The love he feels for her fills his gaze with warmth, tenderness swelling inside him as he traces the edges of her slender frame. ”With you beside me?” he responds, a bit of charm and devilry tinging his voice. ”I will always sleep marvelously.”

    He reaches out to tug with gentle teasing at the long strands of her dark mane before he stretches his neck across her, pulling her into a close embrace. She fits so perfectly against his chest. He loves having her there, feeling the beat of her heart and the warmth of her body. ”Ilka,” he breathes softly, pressing his dark muzzle against her shoulder. ”I love you too. More than I ever thought possible.”

    Today is a new day, not a day to well upon the darkness of the past.


    hestoni x scorch


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    RE: fault lines tremble underneath my glass house; shahrizai - by Shahrizai - 01-16-2017, 04:21 PM

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