No matter your choice, Time returns you to the place where it all began. The door leads to Beqanna, and you step out to wherever, whoever, you left behind. When you arrive, everything returns to normal. Your frozen friends and family blink and move as if they never missed a beat, the sudden winter disappears, and it’s as if you never left at all. As if no time has passed.
There are three where the world does not return to normal right away. Three that Time finds first.
She had said yes, had let Rora stay and watch one year pass into another until the moment before the bubble shrunk entirely. Then, before such a young girl witnessed death, She had sent Rora through the door.
Perhaps Time cannot go there, but he knows what happens.
“I understand your choice,” he says simply, appearing suddenly as he had before. It is not anger in his voice, but sadness. That is worse, somehow. The disappointment and emptiness that lingers in those words hurts far worse than yelling ever could. “But thank you, for staying with her. She so rarely has company.”
He waves a hand, so like Her, and you feel different. Like a piece of Time was left behind for you to carry.
Rora now has genetic Temporal Repairing. This gives her the ability to heal both animate and inanimate objects by rewinding time around the injured creature or broken object. Certain things are inevitable though, and death cannot be avoided or reversed. But there is a price to pay for failing Time. The energy to rewind time must come from somewhere else, pulling from life nearby. To heal horses and things she loves, Rora must take the energy from herself or someone/something else that she loves as well. She cannot reverse damage inflicted by fairy magic. (3 spaces. You do not need to post an update)
He comes to Her side immediately, and if it’s possible, She glows brighter. Time stands still around them as they embrace, and for a moment, you are forgotten there as you trail behind, holding her prison at bay by the power of sacrifice.
It is not long before She breaks away though, motioning toward you, a smile on her face. “Thank you,” Time says, his voice nearly breaking as he loops an arm through Hers. “Thank you.”
Their time is limited though. She smiles at him, wrapping her arms around him once more before she comes to you with a soft touch of her hand. Her other hand reaches for Time, grabbing his fingers before slipping away as the bubble comes back around Her, any remaining energy draining from you as it returns to its’ captive.
And then, She is gone.
For a moment, Time simply looks at the place She occupied only moments before. He is sad, but it’s a wistful sadness that rests on his face. “It has been so long since I have seen her,” he says simply, turning those green eyes to you for a moment. “Your gift to me will not be forgotten.” He waves a hand, and you feel energy surge through your veins. This time, the energy does not drain you, but gives you life.
And then, he is gone.
Divide now has genetic Light Absorption. This gives her the ability to temporarily absorb light from her surroundings and redirect it in beams of light or as a shield, or to store the light and emanate a soft glow in the darkness. She also has the ability to create darkness by absorbing all the light in dim areas. Though there is a price to pay for attempting to change the natural order of time. Divide cannot absorb light during the night, even from the stars and the moon. The longer she spends in darkness, the weaker she will become. Light is part of her sustenance now, and is vital to her life. (3 spaces. You do not need to post an update.)
In the end, love truly conquers all. Even time and space. He comes to Her side immediately, and if it’s possible, She glows brighter. Time stands still around them as they embrace, and for a moment, you are forgotten there as you stand at Her side.
It is not long before She breaks away though, motioning toward you, a smile on her face. “Thank you,” Time says, his voice nearly breaking as he loops an arm through Hers. “Thank you.”
”May love touch your life as it has touched ours,” she says, reaching out a hand to touch you. And as her fingers brush your coat, you feel the warmth and joy of their love spread through your veins, making you feel whole in a way you never imagined.
And then, they are gone.
Hawke now has genetic Love Empowerment. The more Hawke is loved by others, the stronger/faster she will become, and the slower she will age (though she is not immortal). Hawke will never have superhuman skills, but she will have more endurance and strength than any normal horse, so long as her life is surrounded by love. But this works in reverse, and there’s a price to pay for changing the natural order of the world. The less others love Hawke, the weaker she will become and the faster she will age. Love is part of her sustenance now, and vital to her life. (2 spaces. You do not need to post an update.)
Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
To the place where it all began
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To the place where it all began - by Time - 01-14-2017, 07:27 PM
RE: To the place where it all began - by insane - 01-14-2017, 11:38 PM
RE: To the place where it all began - by Aeris - 01-15-2017, 05:26 PM
RE: To the place where it all began - by Time - 01-15-2017, 09:42 PM
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